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Unidentified Mod Causing Issue with V.A.T.S.


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[READ ME FIRST OR ELSE I SHALL SMITE YOU! THIS GLITCH HAS BEEN FIXED! I AM NO LONGER HAVING ANY ISSUES AS I AMAZINGLY FIXED IT 2 SECONDS AFTER POSTING... because screw logic. If you want to see the fix, read the bottom in brackets. Also, if any moderators want me to delete this post, please tell me how, as I am a bit new to the forums and don't know much.]

I shall attempt to keep this quick, for simplicity's sake. Just recently, after having shamelessly played many, many hours of Skyrim (with a mind blowing number of mods) I decided to pick up New Vegas (a personal favorite of mine on the 360) for the PC and try at a new... heavily modded adventure. While I have encountered a number of glitches (which were all too be expected), most of them I have been able to fix fairly easily, until just recently. The short story is, some time ago, and I don't know when, I installed a mod which completely broke V.A.T.S.'s hud system, and I have no idea what is causing it. I usually install my mods one at a time, and then test them (something I learned from Skyrim modding) and I am always careful to take into consideration the installation instructions on the mods' pages, however as I played the game, installing mod after mod, I never once thought to check ot ensure V.A.T.S. was working, as I (perhaps naively) believed that something as fundamental as V.A.T.S. would be difficult to break... but no! This is a game published by Bethesda! Everything than can go wrong will... and everything that can't go wrong will go wrong anyways!

Well, anyways, now it is broke. What I am getting is basically V.A.T.S., I can target limbs, switch targets, zoom, all the same V.A.T.S. stuff, but the hud is completely greyed out, and I am unable to see my A.P. and the percent chance to hit a body part. I would send a picture (and indeed I originally intended to, put while attempting to do so Nexus decided to freeze, TWICE, for no reason when I clicked on the "image" button), but I can't as I have no knowledge of how to do so (while I am not new to the Nexus, I am a bit new to the forums).

Regardless, I shall attempt to provide any and all information I can.

Here are a list of mods that alter gameplay and hud that are installed on my game. Everything is installed via the Nexus Mod Manager (minus the obvious, such as NVSE and 4GBFNV):

1st Person Weapon Animation Overhaul (plus some compatibility patches)

Powered Power Armor (I don't think this is causing any issue, as I disabled it and the problem was still there)

Project Nevada (plus some patches. Again, same thing with Powered Power Armor.)

Ambient Temperature

Dynamic Third Person Camera

Weapon Animation Replacer - WAR

Darnified Hud New Vegas (installed properly, with ini file tweaks)

UIO User Interface Organizer

One Hud - oHUD

Lutana's NVSE Plugin


JIP Select Fire

That is about it. Everything else is either a texture, weapon, or other things (like the character overhaul). I have been playing around a little bit, but I am not sure what is causing the issue. I can use V.A.T.S. fine, but I can't see any of the hud (the only thing which pops up is the health bar of the enemy and the highlighter to show me what I am targeting, but everything else is gone). If anyone has any suggestions on potential fixes, then I please ask that you mention them, as I am legitimately stumped on this one. If you need any extra information (load order maybe?) I will gladly provide it.

[EDIT: I feel like an idiot for this, as I fixed the bug literally 2 seconds after posting... because obviously I will be completely unable to solve a problem until I finally, after who knows how long, decide to ask for help, in which case I will immediately solve it on my own using space magic, because logic.

Anyways, literally all I did was disable and enable the Darnified Hud. How did this fix my problem? Pfft, I don't know. What I do know is that now all of my text updated to the standard Darnified Hud text style (for some reason it was using the default game text when I installed it origionally, which I initially thought was odd, but didn't attempt to correct as it didn't seem to cause any issue... minus V.A.T.S.)

End result, if V.A.T.S. isn't working, and you just installed the Darnified Hud, try disabling and enabling it. Why does it work? Because to hell with logic, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!]

Edited by ThereonInarek
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You got lucky. (Which sometimes is all you need, but better in the long run to "know".) If you really want to understand what happened, read the wiki article "HUD-UI-Menu issues". When you disabled and re-enabled DarnUI, it's "start_menu.xml" file got updated (as in "activated" last).



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