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constant water breathing...


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owk I'm designing a new race (haven't got a name yet). It will be a water creature, but would it be possible that it can breath under water without using a spell or potion? Or mabey is it possible to create a ring or amulet that causes constant water breathing/swift swim :) ???
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Ok here it goes.


You need to open construction set, adn in the maintab you will enter "spellmaking" and then you should right klick on the list of spells and chose "new"


Then it should come up a empty list, write the "id" of the spell, example "burt_swim" then you should go under the "effect" tab and chose from the list below "water_breathing".


And you see at the bottom of the list you opened that there stands "type" and on the right of it there stands "spell" Change on the list where is stands "spell" to "abillities"


And after that you go to "name" in the right upper corner and write the same name as you had in the "id" And hit "ok" button at the lower right corner.


Now your abillity has been saved. Go to the "character" button at the top of the whole construction set and chose "race" now when you have find your race at the left top list. You look at the right were it stands "spell" and a short list under it. When you have seen it go to the "spellmaking" button again and find your spell at the large list.


Remember that you must search in the list for your spell at the id you have writed to it. Now whenyou have found it klick on it a single time and draw it to the little list you have in the race list. And release it there, and when you have done that you should see your spell there called "burt_swim" now if you see that you have done right and have a race that can breath under the water.


And if you cant do this by yoursefjust send ovr by the mail the race and i do it for you.

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it's possible to create an item with CE water breathing. You'll need the spell, a soul gem filled with a golden saint or ascended sleeper, and a lot of money or a ridiculously high enchant skill.


I created a very nice ebony cuirass with light 20' and water breathing - both at constant effect.


Hope this helps

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constant water breathing will make it impossible to complete the pilgramage of the seven graces. So you can't join the temple if its a race based water breathing. Maybe a amulet that you only get if you're that race.
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Because the Pilgramage of the Seven Graces requires the PC to "drown," or to "Breathe in the waters if His glory, and the way will become clear." If the PC cannot drown (Health must reach a certain point) then the gate that is disabled by the drowning will not disappear, and the shrine is not accessible. This could be avoided by modifying the script to make an exception for your water breathing race thus:

If GetRace==11 [your race #] 



You would have to specify the variable- by having an item, or a spell, or something.

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this is how its done:

-create a new spell and do the following

-water breathing for WhatEver on self

-soul trap for 1 second on target



-only nessisary to cast once

-face DIRECTLEY DOWN when casting or your game WILL freeze


I'm not sure if this is only for Xbox as I have never testing on a PC

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hmmm you mean that wall of water in the center of the puzle canal :P I didn't know what to do there so I have to drown myself in the surrounding water?

hmm I didn't get the thing lucifer 10 said....I have to make my own spell as you said and face directley down when I've casted my spell??? is that what you mean :P

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