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Mods bug


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Those are texture problems, along with "missing meshes" (the red "!" symbols). Probably from having too many plugins installed.


From the wiki article "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide:


Do you have more than 130 active plugins in your LO, or more than 140 plugins installed (active or not) in the game DATA folder? The game can have problems with anywhere between 130-140 active, or too many installed, depending upon your system. This may manifest in any number of strange ways to include apparent missing meshes and textures that were there before, along with CTDs.

If you are having a "texture" problem, see the ArchiveInvalidation (by Manager) sub-topic.
When in doubt, it will never harm things to try toggling "ArchiveInvalidation" off and then on again.




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Those are texture problems, along with "missing meshes" (the red "!" symbols). Probably from having too many plugins installed.


From the wiki article "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide:


Do you have more than 130 active plugins in your LO, or more than 140 plugins installed (active or not) in the game DATA folder? The game can have problems with anywhere between 130-140 active, or too many installed, depending upon your system. This may manifest in any number of strange ways to include apparent missing meshes and textures that were there before, along with CTDs.


If you are having a "texture" problem, see the ArchiveInvalidation (by Manager) sub-topic.

When in doubt, it will never harm things to try toggling "ArchiveInvalidation" off and then on again.




HGknmfTK8Rc.jpgyes i have more 130 plugin,what i need to do?

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I hope you meant "uninstalled". If you just deleted plugins you left behind any other files (textures, meshes, sounds, XML, etc.) they might have installed. (If you did just delete, then re-install them and then you can uninstall properly.)


An alternative to uninstalling is to "merge plugins" to reduce the number of active plugin files. (Uninstalling will confirm your problem is too many plugins.) This will let you keep what they bring to the game. See the wiki article "Merged_Plugin_Guidelines_for_Personal_Use" which talks about what types of mods are easiest to do this with.



Edited by dubiousintent
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