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Does anyone know this Riften mod?


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I remember when I first found out about mods I was watching videos, and one caught my eye. I'M pretty sure it was a Riften mod, though it was a long time ago. I think that because the atmosphere would have fit it. Made everything darker, fitting a city of thieves. Really dirty and gritty. I remember there were rats everywhere and a "plague" had been running rampant, so much so that they had a section closed off with a warning sign, and something almost like a Shanty town was over on that side. There were cages around the city. More beggars, I think. It was bigger than normal Riften. It might have been set up outside the main gates.


I can't find it though, and I've been trying for a week straight. It's perfect for a set up I'm planning, and I was hoping maybe the maker had even expanded to include other cities. Has anyone seen or heard of it? If not, could you name one like it? It wasn't Riften Thief Edition, I know that.

Edited by shadowkat678
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