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FF VII Swords Pack


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hi there, i'll use this topic to track the updates of this mod wich i'm going to create


I want to soon clarify some points:

- all the content inside this mod is made by me, from meshes to textures and so on

- this mod will be released in jenuary, becouse for what i have in mind the CK is needed

- IF i'll be able to finish all this stuff before the CK will come out, you'll be able to request me other swords from final fantasy world (no KH pls, I don't linke those keyblades :0)

- I'm NOT going to make a SOLDIER uniform, only for a simple reason:

i'm not so good in modelling characters and I don't know nothing about rigging a model to a skeleton for animations

- I'm not a native english speaker, so sorry for a bad english


after this clarifications lets list the mod contents


FF VII Swords Pack



- all swords will have both two-handed and one-handed version


~Buster Sword~ (90%)

Crisis Core/Advent Children version

I've already done this for oblivion, but i've decided to remodel and retexture it for skyrim

for now the sword is almost complete, it needs only some fix in proportions (compared to the character size), some fix in gold textures color balance, and normal maps as well




~Tsurugi~ (0%)

This one will be composed by all the other swords toghether (each one will be available in game as well):

- Vigilante

- Vendetta

- Avenger/Mercilless

- Ascalon/Sidewinder




~Masamune~ (0%)

Sephirot's long blade katana




~Souba~ (0%)

Kadaj's double bladed katana




~Soldier Blade~ (0%)

The sword wich every soldier has as basic weapon



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