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Freezing During Crafting


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Just wanted to ask a quick question, I looked quickly over the first few pages and I didn't see another question like this, so if there is one, I apologize!


After a quick re-installation of Skyrim, and replacing all of my mods, I fixed my previous problem with the game simply closing, but have run into another problem with certain crafting screens simply causing the game to freeze - not close.

It's mostly the smelting screen, but I haven't tried the Enchanting screen yet to see if the problem is there as well. The screen itself works fine, but when I click on something to craft, it pops up the confirmation box, and does not allow me the click 'Yes' or 'No' - the cursor still moves, though. I can't use 'Tab' to cancel, either. It just kind of... hangs. This leads me to believe it is a problem with my QD Inventory mod, perhaps trying to work with my other mods, but as I'm not any kind of expert, I really can't be sure.


Any help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!!

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A list of mods would be helpful, but this one probably boils down to QD inventory and any crafting mods you may have installed. It could be one mod to blame, or it could be two or more of them trying to run together. The only way to really find out is to turn mods off, one at a time, until you've narrowed it down. I recommend contacting the author(s) of the mod(s) that turn out to be responsible and let them know of your issue, it may be something fixable.
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Alright, fixed it!


Just wanted to let anyone else who might have this problem know what exactly the issue was:


I have been using the mod "Interface Hard Coded Key Tweaks," and apparently binding certain keys, including the mouse scroll wheel, made me unable to craft, improve, or enchant items. So, I just deleted the ControlMap.txt file in \Data\Interface\Controls\PC and that fixed the issue!


I'll just have to wait and see if there is a fix or update to the mod, or if anyone else is even able to duplicate the problem... maybe it's just me. I do love what the mod did for me, and I can only hope!

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