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Conjure issue, need console help to fix


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Some time ago I had Aranea Lenith as a follower and I had thralled two Vampires to also follow me around. I was trying to reach a high point in a mountain range for something and got frustrated with it because I couldn't find the path leading to it. So I started climbing the rocks and this had the consequence of me leaving my followers behind. I figured whenever I reached my destination that they would just magically appear next to me whenever I entered the interior of my destination, but it never happened.


I went on to clear that area, along with many others. A month in the game has passed with me seeing plenty of battles and side-quests. Earlier on, I had received the message that "Your follower becomes bored with waiting and has left." I went to Azura's Shrine just to make sure she was there, then turned around and left without saying anything to her. I was doing fine without her.


This is about when the problem started. Every once in a while, when I go to enter an interior I'll crash to desktop. I never had this issue before. I'm pretty sure it is because I never properly lost or dismissed the Vampire Thralls that I had. I have re-conjured Storm Atronachs, Daedra Lords, and plenty of other followers, with the thinking that the game would remove any previous followers in favor of the newer conjured. Since I have Twin Souls as a perk and can have only two at a time. But this has apparently not been the case since the Vampires were not "cleanly" removed.


I have used the help command in the console (using variants of my character name, since thralls are labeled as "Character's Vampire Champion" or whatever) to try and find any global values that might pertain to the previous thralls. Plus other commands. But I'm coming up empty.


Does anyone have an idea of what I can type into the console to get what I need?


Incidentally, this isn't the first time I've encountered this "lost conjure" issue - I had a pair of Storm Thralls get lost attacking a Forsworn camp that I ignored, and they never came back. I assumed they were killed and I moved on. Later, I came back to the same camp and they magically appeared and took their places at my side. I dismissed them and kept going. So it is possible that I have more than two renegade conjures running around in my game, and I need them ALL removed.

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