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Thief overhaul idea


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I miswrote the title, and apparently can't change it. It's not a thief mod as much as making Skyrim darker, with more emphasis on the darker members of society. The underground. Black market. Those taking advantage of the civil war to go on with certain...illegal activities. Also more evidence of the darker sides of the war. The political darkness. The innocents caught in between. Basically a grimdark atmosphere. Is that what it would be called?


So, I wrote this in the thread about what our dream mod would be, and instead of writing it all out again, I'll just put it in quotes. If someone doesn't want to take on the full one (Because, lets face it, as much as I want this it would probably require a whole team, or at least four years of work) I'd love to see anything having to do with this. There's just not enough mods that make Skyrim darker for my taste.



Skyrim overhaul for thieves and stealth players. Or just people who want something a bit darker. I don't mean the perk tree. I mean the landscape itself. The cities being grittier and bigger with more places to hide and more allies/twisting paths to lose pursuers. I mean rooftop access in all the big cities. Lots of hiding spots throughout the region. Not just the world, but the people and activities in it. A Skyrim blackmarket. Thief presence in every major city, and maybe small gathering places in smaller ones. Smuggler dens. More guards. See other thieves while you're out in more than just Riften. Ways to get in and out of areas unseen. Items. Lots of stuff like you see in Sneak tools. The noise arrows and such, that could be sold in some of the...more unlawful locations. Maybe even some quests that go along with this. I could see something being connected to other mods, like the pirate ones. Maybe there's a trade between other provinces and Skyrim, and you can get involved.


Other things that just make it darker. See things like gallows around. Thalmor torturing Talos worshipers as "examples" if you want to get really grim. I really wouldn't want to see that, too far for me, but if there's a way to turn certain things on and off someone else may like that.


Maybe see some burnt down houses with clear signs of one of the factions being behind it. Maybe someone who's gotten on one of their bad sides. Real Grimdark feel. Doors locked during day just like at night. Little things that add to the fear brought on by the conflicts. Showing how easily the darker side of society could have taken hold while the law is busy taking care of the war. Sickness, kinda like the plague going around. Seeing bodies burned after those people die. Having city sections closed off to try and contain the spread. Deserters from the war hiding out in the wilds. More beggars who lost their homes. Maybe voice acted NPCs with stories and dialogue that reflect this. You hear about racial tensions, witness the remarks, but you never see hate crimes? Muggings? How about haunted areas? Secrets. Intrigue. More political dealings. The Thalmor are supposed to have a major presence in Solitude, but we don't see them there. What about the war? Why aren't there more fights? Things should be a lot darker here. Especially in big cities, which almost always have at least one section you don't want to be caught in.


What about darker spells? Not necessarily evil, but I'd love shadow travel, or shadow spells. Ones that revolve around stealth. You could even add characters that deal with it in the College of Winterhold, with mini quests or stories.


There are gambling mods. Why not add gambling to taverns and said underground gathering areas? What about those illegal fighting pits?


Like, sometimes people make the Grimdark genre go too far, but sometimes it just fits. It would with my character.


There's already mods for some of these, but if things could be in one place...it would be a big file, but smaller files add up when you put them all in your load order as well, correct? I just can't find anything good enough,especially that could go on my remastered xbox game, and oh man I want this. It would fit the play through I want. I need it to fit remastered on xbox. Because that would be the only way I could play it, and a lot of the modders that made mods that could fit aren't active, won't bring them over, or can't.


If I knew the first thing about mods I'd go for it, but I'm clueless.

What do you all think?

Edited by shadowkat678
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