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Pre-CK list of Immersion-Breakers


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is it possible for you to make it so that you can decline being the arch mage?

it makes no sense RP-wise if you play a warrior with little to no magic abilities yet become the arch mage.


the companions in whiterun should also talk to you differently when you become the harbinger and not still treat you like a newcomer to the guild.

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Fantastic idea for a mod.


I'll start taking notes as I play so I can give you proper info, because these sorts of immersion breakers really irritate me too.


The one that really bugged me was also in Winterhold, and it was the dialogue that actually alerted me to the lack of change in the NPC's reactions to me:


I had just become the Arch Mage and went to see the Jarl of Winterholds Steward (he's that guy who asks you to steal a staff for him so he looks like he knows something about magic), and I spoke to him and he says something like "I don't really know anyone up at the college, people just assume I do because I'm a dark elf"


I think he should say something like "Hah, now I really do have a friend at the college!" and/or "Can you mention how close we are to the Jarl?"

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is it possible for you to make it so that you can decline being the arch mage?

it makes no sense RP-wise if you play a warrior with little to no magic abilities yet become the arch mage.


the companions in whiterun should also talk to you differently when you become the harbinger and not still treat you like a newcomer to the guild.


It also makes little sense to be a mage if you are a warrior, but I see your point.


And yes, people's lack of reaction to your character's various amazing, unprecedented, super-human accomplishments was a very odd choice on Bethesda's part, I must say.

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Dear Sir,


Excellent idea and I look forward to this mod.


I have also considered voice acting issues connected to a mod I am planning. If (I know it isn't on your plate yet) you want to change rather than just do deletions / coldowns of dialogue, you run into another huge immersion issue - mismatched add-ons. To me having a new voice actor adding in new lines sucks just as badly as the correct voice saying the wrong things...


For a project I am planning, I think I will end up needing to redo entire dialogues of current characters in order to add more lines for new quests and keep the voice acting consistent. It is something you might want to consider later on.


The side benefit, if you do go this way, is that there are maybe 4 or 5 "key" voice actors that seem to double up a lot of the characters. I am constantly getting a slight immersion break with "hey, aren't you also the voice of the mage in Whiterun???"


Anyways, good luck with this sir.

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Would it be totally crazy for a bunch of voice actors to redo the entire dialogue, add new conversations etc to make it completely consistent?



This wouldn't be crazy at all... and eventually, that's what I'm planning on doing here. I definitely need to wait for the CK to come out before any of the re-dialogue work is done, as I will easily be able to export the STT (speech to text) / caption data, and then from there give my different voice actors scripts to record.



I imagine once the CK is out, this will take very little time to get everything running... it's just going to be gathering Voice Actors that will be the biggest challenge.



To start, I plan on simply removing the speech in question, and replacing it with corresponding text. As the mod continues in development, I will add incremental patches that add the voice content to the mod.

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Actor Name: Random Encounter "Three Imperial Guards"

Actor Location: Random Encounter, various, usually on the road

Speech in Question: "If you want to join the Imperial Guard, speak to General Tulius in Solitude" or some such

Related Triggers: Becomming Legate in the Imperial Army

Suggested Alternative Speech: "Legate"

Other Information: I'm already in the Imperial Army. I don't need to join up.. again.


Actor Name: Random Encounter "Three Imperial guards escorting a Stormcloak Prisoner"

Actor Location: Random Encounter, various, usually on the road

Speech in Question: "Move along Citizen, this has nothing to do with you" or some such

Related Triggers: Becomming Legate in the Imperial Army

Suggested Alternative Speech: "Legate"

Other Information: I am not just some frakking citizen, I am a Legate in the Imperial Army, and yes, this probably does have something to do with me. (Or maybe not, but show me the proper respect I deserve, after all I did just about singlehandedly win your war)


Both of these instances can easily be replaced with "dialogue" that already exists in the game.

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Actor Name: whiterun chemist / whiterun mage / almost every merchant

Actor Location: almost every shop

Speech in Question: "Ah, so you're an alchemist then" / "I had you pegged for a mage" / in general - an introductory statement that really only makes sense first two or three times shopping with them

Related Triggers: Asking to buy, needs to change after buying multiple times from the same vendor

Suggested Alternative Speech: "Have a look" or any other shorter and less introductory dialogue the merchant has available.

Other Information: It is a delay when trying to buy, and immersion breaking because we already have an established "business relationship" with the merchant in question.


Sorry I am not being more specific, but this seems to be the case with almost every merchant I encounter. Even the 10th time in their shop buying, they make some big introductory remark about selling to me that only makes sense the first time or the first couple of times...

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