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Pre-CK list of Immersion-Breakers


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Actor Name:Guard

Actor Location:Everywhere

Speech in question: Psst! I know who you are! Hail Sithis!

Trigger: None, the Dark Brotherhood has all of 12 members at its peak.

Suggested replacement Dialogue: Some snide comment about my armour.

Other: I'm pretty sure most of the guard's dialogue could use a revamp. Just saying.


Edit: Just saying, I think that killing Alduin should earn me a few spontaneous "OMGOMGOMG THERE HE IS! THE GUY WHO KILLED THE BIG DRAGON WHO TRIED TO EAT SKYRIM!". Just my two cents.

Edited by RbtRvltin
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This feels like it's way out in left field but it's a major immersion breaker for me and I believe many others.

The linear path of pregression that the game forces on the player.


You start as a nobody cought up in someone else's mess and the first thing you're told when you're free is that you should probably go your own way. Sure if you could you likely would. I tried it and found there was much I couldn't do in the way of leading a normal life until I informed the Whiterun Jarl of the dragon. As far as a nobody goes that SHOULD have been the extent of my involvement. Further I get forced into hunting down a stone in a dungeon because oddly enouph the woodcutters axe on my hip suggests I must be a dungeon explorer. Then we get to the Jarl, and his line about you being the most experienced in dragon slaying is priceless. There should be a rebuttal dialog option "Almost being charbroiled by a dragon and managing to run fast enouph to escape hardly constitutes the ability to win a fight with a dragon! No thank you, I like living."

This goes on and it's irritating, I should be able to JUST PLAY. Much of this stuff would be fixed via dialog and/or scripts that would give the player the option of role playing and without forcing the storyline, guideing them gently into situations that prompted these questlines. I don't know what and won't be doable with the CK but I eagerly await it's release and I certainly intend to add my own contribution.


I just wanted to say that I didn't have this problem. It may be because in addition to delaying the main quest (so that I didn't have dragons), I also delayed the Civil War. I didn't start either until level 30 (MQ) or 50 (CW).


As far as you being the most experienced with dragons, well.... you survived Helgen, for goodness sake! Not many made it out alive. You're already a legend for that in these people's eyes. People follow symbols, not facts. I'm sure those city guards running out of Whiterun to fight their first dragon felt a lot better knowing that the Survivor of Helgen was with them, even if it was just for luck.


I do agree that their needs to be way more dialog options for the PC. Not just on the MQ, but especially in Riften, when you have to deal with the Thieves Guild. Every time a new character of mine visits the city for the first time, I feel like I HAVE to join the Thieves Guild, because while everyone bitches about it, no one gives you the option of doing anything about it.


((((( I want the option of brawling Maul when he mouths off to me the first time I walk in the city! )))))


Actor Name: Maul

Actor Location: Riften (when you first enter city)

Speech in question: I'm a badass and you better take my trash-talk and like it. (Something along those lines)

Trigger: PC first walks into Riften

Suggested replacement Dialogue: Give PC option of brawling Maul so he will shut up. He could still say "I'm watching you." afterwards.



That one change alone would make me feel a lot better!


Edit: added Actor info

Edited by Susurruss
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I would really like guards to have better idle talk, more adaptive. It is semi adaptive. I remember a windhel guard saying this: "Ebony Armor? By Ysmir, it's a wonderful sight." It could really use more small talk. Wierd thing too. The wizard in Solitude, not the court one, when talking to Erikur about Elven armor and weapons, He says Daedric, not Elven. Is this only my version?
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