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missing body parts and dark faces Help!


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Thank you Drake the Dragon,


Your posts are so insightful and so much info is starting to come back to me, as I used to be a hard core avid player with 50 mods or so going. This time around I am not going crazy with tons of mods. I am trying to keep a clean game HEH! so much for that huh? I knew even one mod meant days of fighting and I went there anyways....Curious about your ooinion of the new elder scroll online where you get to play with real people? I have always fantasied about that! I hear there are no mods to make you look better and very little limited content from the crown store either. SO whats the point if you cant be sexy and flirt? I respect your opinion and quite intrigued to know your thoughts? I have read every word about 4 times of this post to make sure I didnt miss anything. You are so wise and I thank you so much for caring!



So about Roberts Male replacer.... I cannot believe they expect people to hand pick crap out of the folder and "Just know" to drag and drop it into your data folder which doesnt work half the time! If you are not willing to go down the rabbit hole from hell into Oblivion /Data/Data/meshes/data/ meshes and on and on forget it.

Funny when I first redownloaded this game.. there wasnt even a textures or meshes folder indide the data one..Just another Data inside with meshes and textures folder if I remember right... All these mods say in the read me.."Oh just drag it into the data folder and walk away Its SOOO Easy!" Or just use OBMM or NMM or TES and click and play! La la lala "

UM No......even with Meticulous hand placing in the exact right folder.. its mostlikely not going to work until by some miracle a OBMM or something finally gets it right.. Its a gamble..You might win and just when you are about to give up and get so flaming mad and not in the mood to play anymore and realise this is why you walked away the first time..BAM it suddenly works! HA!


I remember the big squeel about all the messups because of that stupid beautiful people mod. Back then, that was all there was! The skins in these games are so horrifically bad compared to other games. I have a virtual reality called SecondLife where I was able to create skins and have a shop. The skins or textures and animations are mind blowing. I cant understand for the life of me why Bethdesia cant get with the program! These animations are out there FREE! Its not that hard to make two characters line up to fight, dance, kiss etc. I even invited a modder to SecondLife to see such skins and animations to blow his mind. I made sure not to check "Beautiful people" I used Ren's just to fix my avie. I did find this Mod...... Maybe it will fix the face issue if the anti allising thing in the NMM under tools trick doesnt work. (thank you so much for explaining that)


Ok so for enough of my ranting.... The Anti alaising files.. Wow.. Thats something I never knew about! A re-route? thats crazy!

That by itself, is just asking for issues!! With that said, I did download the official patch before I started dling any Mods. I knew my game was an older one and probably full of unsupported C= Programming scripts. This time around I dont want shivering isles or anything fancy. I just want to finish the romance Mod story line and then possible move on to skyrm. I am hoping against hope the mods in this one are easier to handle period!


I know my game is at least 6 years old. 1.20416 It was in the box by disk all original. I dont like any kind of online downloading like steam. If your master Download should get corrupted, you have to go back online to a website to get it. Im sure there are tons of pirated copies of the game too , thats just impulsive and irresponsible for good long term investing.


Thank you for explaining the thing about .esm and file types. I always wondered about that. I should use my time and play with the construction set. I am curious if the CS from my Old old morrowind game could even make files for the new skrym? Im still all hooked on the obivion since it was such a big deal with moving grass and all that jazz. I had to get a whole new computer just to play it! I have upgraded a couple of times with new towers and new Graphics cards since then.

Thank you so so much again. I have checked the Anti allising thing in the tools option in the NMM. If that doesnt work, since there are some bodies missing as well.. I wonder if this mod might at least fix the faces? I just dont want to mess up my companion, so I am hesitant.. He is some kind of dwemer hybrid elf thingy so this mod might not have any effect on him at all.


Maybe if you are in the elder scrolls online I might Dl it and we could meet up. Could you imagine getting to meet Alien solf and some of the other players / modders in person? Awesome!

http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/9534/? this is what I look like now.. Not as pretty.. I dont know what the heck happened.. at least she is is fixed. This is rens mystic elves which I swore I had that before! Maybe I just didnt use it.

Edited by Sallyo
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OHHH you are Magic!!!! The tools and checking that option worked!! everything is right again!! I cant thank you enough! I look forward to your response to my last post^^ Here is a photo of how everything looks now^^ Whew! No more mods!

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Hey! Glad I was of help, and everything worked out. It was actually only basic modding knowledge I gathered over the years, I'm not a wise one, I only know a lot, everybody else could, and would, have told you the exact same, I was just the fastest. :sweat:


Yep, that's Robert's body alright inside that shirt. Everything's looking fine now.



Elder Scrolls Online (ESO)? Well, I'm not much a fan of online games, especially when there's lot's of player-versus-player segments inside, as I really hate that infighting nonsense. There's enough battles and hostility going on in the outside world, or even in our online communities and also here, I don't need to invite it into my game where I'm looking forward to relax and have some fun... not some random moron to come around and *bam* "hit ya! you're dead now, sucker! work on your killing skills and better luck next time!" *haha*


I was playing Anarchy Online, a sci-fi MMO, mind you, for many, many years, but the fellows I met and became friends with have it made worth the uncountable time I spent raiding with them. Needless to say I avoided its PvP elements like the plague as well still. But the cooperation, being able to raid a new playfield, where previously a public 200 person raid group failed spectacularly, with our group of only 20 professionals, all very skilled and used to their professions and a well-trained team coordinated via TeamSpeak as well, with relative ease until the end, this was what I enjoyed the most about it all. And even if we "wiped" (when the playfield monsters wipe the floor with the raid group until the last one is dead or escaped), it was still massive fun to even have attempted a, what others called it, "impossible" task with pretty much success up to only a stupid mistake in the end.


Man, I'm still getting lost in the memories of those great times of my past. Sadly, about half a year ago they changed their subscription system so bank accounts can no longer be used to pay... thus my account is now frozen and likely won't be reactivated ever again, due to my lack of free time mostly but also due to that. Boy, will I miss that game. Then there also was Horizons, or Istaria they call it now, because... dragons! But only for a one-week-for-free trial time alone. After this, no, there's not been any online play for me ever again so far. No time, no way, no need.


And wasn't Elder Scrolls Online called "the only Elder Scrolls that isn't"? From what I read and saw they missed the mark more than even Skyrim did so far. Both aren't something I'm too much interested in, to be honest. Oblivion all the way.



Actually Robert's Male body mods are among the ones very thoroughly documented. You get step-by-step manual installation instructions and every detail and optional part is covered. This was the times when mod managers were but an idea and manual install was still the only way. Yes, many Oblivion mods are packaged and/or structured differently, most include the "data" folder within their archives or even pack it into another one to go around it first. But you only have to keep in mind, there is only "1" data folder to be found inside the game directory, and if you find one inside the download, their contents have to be "merged".


There must never be a "data" folder inside "textures" or "meshes", nor may there ever be another "textures" or "meshes" folder inside the two. It's "data > textures/meshes > name of mod or category > item > maybe gender > filename.dds or .nif" and nothing else, in most cases. No basic folder should ever come duplicated or repeated inside the structure. That's the most prominent installation mistakes people make. And managers, just extracting the contents out of the archive into the data folder the exact same way they are packaged inside, usually just repeat the packaging mistake and end up as an invalid structure, when there's no auto-sanitization feature or something in place to prevent that.


Yes, the "meshes" and "textures" folders only come with mods. Out of the box they don't exist inside your data folder. All resources are solely taken from inside the BSA files coming with the game. Your observations are correct.


But I for one think modding Oblivion isn't actually as difficult as too many people make it out to be. There's just some very crucial things one needs to keep in mind, and to avoid the usual modding pitfalls. You cannot mess up your game beyond repair, nor can your savegames be irreversibly corrupted, from all I know. But... common knowledge isn't by far anything common anymore these days, so that's what's making things troublesome for most. We're just here to help.



Yeah, I know of SecondLife, and for quite some years as well. I'm actually still pondering whether to visit it or not one day. Information on how to create content for it is rather sparse for all I could find, and most of the images I've seen weren't too inviting to me either. Add to it the fact I'm not exactly the socializing type, and too much contact with other people while I'm actually more interested in playing around alone, and it's not exactly appealing much to me right now.


Although the general idea still intrigues me somehow I admit. (Even as much as making me ignore the fact there's still way too much stuff stolen from mod authors on here and put up for sale in LindenLabs' online stores, even after they were told in the thousands about it by the asset owners with sufficient proof, and have simply just chosen to ignore it every time. They're pretty much burned for me, for all I care, but that doesn't mean their game world and its general idea doesn't still have a certain appeal to it after all.) I'm a creator, they have a virtual world to create in for free, simple... just not right now, maybe later.



Actually, no, the BSA Redirection approach is absolutely fine and not at all asking for troubles as you make it out to be. It's only called that, mainly, and doesn't actually touch the archives read by your game. All archives there are, and the contents within, are still completely loaded, it's just that one "additional" BSA gets added into the list, at exactly the right location for it to eliminate the very need for Archive Invalidation as a result. It's a lucky coincidence more than anything, which lucky modders some day found out. I don't even know why it's also working for Steam, but it is. Ever since it was invented, no resulting issues have ever occurred.



I hear ya about online distribution platforms. I have the good old disc version of the game myself as well and never even once had anything to do with Steam so far. That's why when I'm talking of the requirements, for the disc version I know perfectly well, but for Steam I'm only guessing, or going by what I read or heard from others over the years. Doesn't make anything what I say about it wrong, especially since I'm only using absolutes when I'm absolutely sure what I say is the truth, and in all other cases my being unsure about it will be made obvious right from the start.

Well, the Morrowind CS cannot make plugins for Skyrim, or Oblivion or anything else, as all those games have dedicated own development tools for exactly this job as well. For Oblivion it's the Construction Set a second time, but for Skyrim they called it Creation Kit, likely to do with the game engine being called Creation Engine as well from that point on. But they all can be obtained from the same website as the game, and are always free as well. You bought your right to use them when you bought the game they're made for.
As for meeting all those modding giants in person, if it weren't for me not into socializing much, and my free time would allow it, I'd definitely be up for that one day or two. I was talking to AlienSlof quite some times in the past, as well as some of the others, but never eye to eye. I did meet with a few of the people I was playing Anarchy Online with in a bar or a cafe before as well some years ago, the guild boss living in my university's city and two who were living close to my home town, but that's about as much socializing, or real life meeting with other people, from me as it'll get. It's just not my thing, and I anyways don't have the time anymore.
So, yeah. That is that. Good luck with your future game and have fun playing it now! And if there's ever other questions, or issues you've run into, me and the other peeps, like Striker et al., are always hanging around here to help, just a help request topic away. We usually take turns in being the ones of help, but one of us will always have the right answer, or most of the time anyways. :thumbsup:
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attachicon.gifBlack face problem.jpgThank you all,


I dont know if this is even a load order problem or not. According to the NMM My load order is correct. Yet I am still seeing missing bodies and black faces of the towns folk. The orcs seem ok. Here in this photo is an example.

Hello Striker,


What would happen if I had BOSS and Nexus Mod Manager and Tes all at the same time? I could remove Tess since its not very user friendly.. I like NMO. I did use BOSS long long ago... What happens if you have two programs ? does the game just go with the last program you used? Does it "Undo" everything the other program did?

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Wow Dragon,



What a nice letter!! Your so sweet and through^^ I cant imagine you not being the social type! I have found over the years that the non social type is actually a star of the show, social butterfly, dying to get out!

I dont really have time for the whole social aspect of SL or the elder scrolls myself these days, and there are always those messed up ass hats everywhere you go. I am hoping in TEO that this whole PVP thing is a special mode you both have to go in and agree to. If someone were to be able to just walk up and stick a knife into anyone, there wouldnt be any players left!

That aside, Once in a while you do meet really great quality people. If you want to check out some of the textures or sexy skins for SL www.secondlifemarketplace.com I am known as Aluviel Nakamura there. I still dont get why the creators of this game dont do more to make the skins at least as good as final fantasy. I used to play Perfect world too. I had a killer drow. Illl attach a photo of her.


Thank you for the clarification on the whole BSA thing. What exactly is a BSA? How is it different from an .ESM? I will have to go online to the offical web site and check out the construction sets for oblivion etc. My box didnt come with the additional disk like my morrowind did. I even bough the whole fancy GOTY version too with expansions. Maybe if we hold on to them they might be worth something some day :tongue: Doubt it.


So Mr. Drake.... I saw those uploaded photos....Do you play both those avies? Or do you play as just the male? from what I read, it sounds as if you made those avies? Very impressive indeed! It is skyrm that has all the marryable companions yes? What was it about Skyrm you didnt like?


Thank you so much again for your wisdom and being kind enough to spend your time, the most valuable assets we all have on me. I am truly rich.. and as for skipping off into the sunset to play my game, I much rather get on elderscrolls online to chit chat and explore together with you :tongue: even if it was just once in a while^^ you are a really cool and awesome person^^. I actually feel a little sad this thread is coming to a close :tongue:

Please keep in touch Handsome!!

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Well, I never said I'm not the social type, I just said I'm not into socializing much. I think that's a fine but important difference. :happy:


When you come to me, I'll always be open ears. But I'm not going to come to you or others just for small talk or the like. That's not my thing.

Or, I always enjoyed it when I hung out with people in the past, but I'm not actively seeking to go hang out with others at the same time. I think you get my drift.


When I'm with a group of people I turn silent, listening but not talking myself unless asked, not getting into contact much, and it'll take quite a long while for me to "warm up" as they say.

I'm not into group chats much either, or hanging around with many others in an online world. I dislike live chats as they put pressure on me as to when to reply, whereas in forum posts I decide myself when I get around to it eventually.


I'm weird like that, can't help it. But enough of my life story spamming here for now.



PvP in most MMO games I know has always been rather consensual, yes, I give them that. But if the PvP element is like the core of the game and you won't get far without getting into it yourself, then no, thanks, I'm not interested in the game.


It's bad enough in Anarchy Online during the Halloween events, when a special monster called Uncle Pumpkin Head that drops special event-related rare collectables loot is usually hanging around in the known PvP-enabled, anything goes, you're live prey once you enter, playfield zones all the time, and on the one hand there are small groups of newcomers banding together to take the bigger ones out in a team with much, much work, to even stand a chance to get at least some of the precious limited-time-offer loot, while at the same time so-called "gankers" camp inside the places only waiting for an unsuspecting prey not standing a single chance in hell against them in PvP to pop up and instantly kill them right on sight to increase their kill counts and PvP titles without any work on their end.


Needless to say I'm not touching these places with a ten-foot pole, don't care about the special loot dropping inside there more likely and more easily than in the massively camped non-PvP places where you'll have to spend literally the entire event period killing thousands and thousands of the monsters with almost nothing dropping off of these then. I got time, I'm max level, I'm experienced, I take every regular monster there is out on my own with ease. I killed 3.520 max-level outdoor monsters until the item I was searching from their loot finally dropped, I'm patience incarnate...


...however, there's also been times when the little ones of our guild were trying to get some loot from the Pumpkin Heads in small inexperienced teams and got insta-killed all over by far too experienced and too high level gankers mere minutes after entering the playfield every time, when we big experienced ones, although not interested in PvP ourselves, still banded together in a "ganker-disposal" team and, well, disposed of them whenever they showed up to attack the little ones again, until they gave up and moved on for easier targets.


"Wanna have a true fight? Seek an equal opponent. There's more than enough experienced 1-on-1 PvP'ers in our guild to take you up. But stay the hell away from our little ones. They're not your easy prey, if we can prevent it. We're not as experienced in PvP as you may be, but we mastered our professions, know our skills, coordinate in team play, and with us as support for the PvP-experienced ones from our guild, you won't stand a chance in hell against the team we are."


It was fun, yes, raining down on their parade and protecting the little ones of the guild against the bullies... but still not overly much.



For what it's worth, the "really great quality people" I met over the last 10+ years have always been on here or deviantArt, being of a like mind and with the same interests and passions, that's telling something, isn't it?



A BSA, like I said, is a Bethesda Softworks Archive, as far as we could obtain, a proprietary archive format of Bethesda Softworks used in most of their games. It's not unlike a ZIP or RAR, if you look at it closely, it just needs different extractors or browsers to open it is all. When the game runs it reads its resources right out of the BSA in compressed format and doesn't need to extract them first. (Or rather it does extract them but into memory instead? Don't know.)


The BSA contain the resources, the assets, like meshes (NIF), textures (DDS), sounds (MP3 / WAV), and what have you else.


Whereas an ESM, likely Elder Scrolls Masterfile, much like an ESP, Elder Scrolls Plugin, contains only data records, the stuff you can create and change inside the CS. These entries "point to" resource files, whether inside a BSA or as loose files inside your data folder, but the ESM does not "contain" any. The exact difference between an ESM and an ESP I can't really tell, but an ESM can only contain new records and not modify existing ones, unlike an ESP, which can do both, introducing new records as well as modifying existing ones.


You can even switch back and forth between ESM and ESP by just the switch of a bit flag in the header of the file. Wrye Bash can ESM-ify an ESP and ESP-ify an ESM with only the click of a button. But that's mainly due to the original Construction Set being unable to set an ESP as a master/parent for another ESP, thus only ESM could be used for that. The game itself is fine with ESP "patching" other ESP, by having the ESP they patch as their masters/parents. But the original CS always removed such dependencies as soon as you saved the ESP. So ESM-ifying an ESP, setting it as a master for an ESP, then saving the ESP once you're done doing your edits, closing the CS and ESP-ifying the ESM back to ESP was for years the only way to get this done. Thanks to Shademe and the Construction Set Extender OBSE plugin nowadays this is a thing of the past though. The CSE finally can save ESP with other ESP as masters/parents really fine.



As for my characters, Drake and Kaira, in my screenshots, yes, I do play each of them occasionally, depending on what it is I'm play testing at the time. But mostly I'm playing as Drake and having Kaira as his companion. Yes, I made them, well, most of what they use or wear, anyways. It's a project of mine ever since I started modding back in 2006 or something long, long ago, to get the two of them into my game, one way or another. But they're only looking as great as they do now, because it's been so many years I already was working on them before they reached their current state.


Yes, Skyrim has marry-able companions natively out of the box. In Oblivion this has first to be introduced by means of mods. Not that it hasn't already been done though. I don't know, really. I saw and played it on my brother's XBox 360 and wasn't terribly impressed at all. The world's too bland, the story too shallow, not much thought put into the core features and not much fleshed out the what's happening inside. Something's lacking, too much actually is... I just can't tell what exactly that is. Add to it the over-hype it received prior to 11-11-11 where it couldn't live up to the expectations that flew around at the time of release, the additional hurdles one has to overcome to mod it, it's got way more difficult than it ever was before, and the overall mis-behavior of its mod users community I witnessed over the years, well, let's just say it simply has no appeal to me anymore at this point. I'd be lying though, if I wouldn't say my constant lack of free time is still the biggest reason after all.



Time's important, yes, but sharing my knowledge with others usually doesn't take too much of it. So never mind, don't mention it. But like I said, the chances of me getting into ESO are abysmally slim. I'm neither interested much in another MMO, or in this particular game specifically, nor do I even have the time or opportunity to actually give it a go at one point to begin with, so even buying it or anything else right now is not an option. Maybe things will change, but I strongly doubt it'll be any time soon. Sorry for that.


I will always be around on here several times a day, only another help request topic away, like I said, or a PM. Who knows, I may even be up for "some" chit chat now and then, wouldn't be the first time it happened now either. But walls of text and story times are a weakness of mine, get me started once and you might not get me stopped again. So it might take some time for me to respond at times, for I can't just take hours away from my work or my free time every time. But I think that's the nature of a forum and totally fine for most people on here as well. :sweat:

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Ha Ha Drake your so darling^^


I love your life story ^^ Blalb all you want :P Yeah I was never into that whole PVP thing. Most games you have to go into a special mode or zone to do that or in an arena. I will make sure to ask how thats arranged in the ESO before I pay to join it.


Thank you for the explanation of the Esp vs esm and bsa file types. I am going to cut and paste this into my cheat sheet that I have started so I dont forget everything I learned here. I see most of it is ESM. I have hardly seen any esp's if I am correct. You would think, since you can edit old and new data inside of a mod, people would start saving it as an esp. Man what a headache to have to go back n forth to save crap into a major master mod. No wonder they made such a big deal over that mod called Glory Road back in the morrowind days. That was a HUGE story line filled with the most awesome looking creatures too.


I will keep this short as to not talk your ear off :P RYGHT! too late :P


I agree we, builders, creators, artists do seem to get on much better than spoiled gamers who just want to plunder everything without appreciating the hard work and countless hours that went into it. (not all gamers are bratty tho)

Congrats again on both those mods you created! I still perplexed how you were able to load up that new race to play and then make a companion mod to match it. I guess what im really asking is why havent I see this mod in the nexus files for download? You are too awesome!


Thank you for the truth about Skyrm. I had a gut feeling it was over hyped. and its been what, almost 6 years since it came out? I guess they have been focusing on the this new online thing. Im still going to see if I can take a peek at the crown store. If there are not any good body replacers then forget it. I hate the vanilla hair and skins GUH. They need to get with the program and allow users to upload their own creations to use ingame, including animations. Even in Sl, there is a data limit and the whole area get bogged or lagged down and the FPS can be a nightmare like a bad freeway accident when someone walks in with 20 scripts going.

Ok, you win, no more nagging to run off to ESO.

I thank you again so so much for your time and knowledge and the lovely chit chat we had on here. You are more than welcome to PM me. I added you to my list of friends on here. I count it a privledge and an honnor Mr. Drake^^ XOX

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Well, the sad truth about my work of the last 10-or-so years is, nothing of it ever saw the light of day so far, my lack of free time just didn't allow for me to finish it up to a releasable state. That's why you don't see actual mod pages of any of all the stuff I created during that time. All of it is "meant" to be released at one point, but it's only loose features or assets at this point and nothing I even can release.


Don't call it the truth about Skyrim though. It's only my own personal opinion about it. Everybody should make up their mind and judge for themselves, instead of just blindly following hearsay. Between us two, there's already far too many people with a sheep mentality (or is it a sheep's brain? I'm always mixing these up^^) out there right now and mankind sure doesn't need any more of them.


And it's not Mr., as I'm among friends here, or at least that's what I consider the people hanging out here to be. Just Drake is fine. :wink:

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