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Pure Melee


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You can even finish the game with a purely melee toon, as far as the build goes. There are some incredibly powerful melee weapons in the game -- and as you probably know, at str 10 you do double the base damage -- and even more so with some power armour on. In fact, power armour even massively reduces your swing time with slow weapons. Well, in third person it does.


And if you can sneak and blitz, even with non-dlc weapons you can open most fights with a 2k hit. I mean, seriously, that's how much you can hit for with a standard Kremvh's Tooth, which you can get by just going east from Sanctuary and doing a bit of spelunking. At which point it pretty much ignores any armour. You can one-shot Coulter in his OP armour with that, if you duck behind a car and have chameleon armour so he loses track of you.


Alternately, fast weapons with bleed or poison (preferably bleed) stack and ignore all armour. Very fast weapons, i.e., if you can find a Wounding Ripper, now those can bleed anyone about as fast as if you were to cut the bottom off a paper cup.


Bear in mind though that sometimes you'll need SOME kind of ranged capability for turrets on the ceiling and such. You can't blitz ceiling and wall turrets.


But you can take Ada with you to take care of those. In fact, if you build an OP enough robot, your build really doesn't matter :tongue:

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My newest character was purpose built for the Katana Tsuki no Hana mod. Big Leagues, Sneak, Ninja, and Blitz are the primary perks. Ada dual wielding gatling lasers is in fact that characters current companion. I kill pretty much everything with one blow but some big guys like Swan take a couple of shots. Nuka Lurks are tougher than Deathclaws they need two hits when most Deathclaws can be dispatched with one.


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