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CTD when fast travelling (during loading screens) or entering certain cells


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For a long time everything was fine, but around the time I sorted out the vampire business in Morthal I decided to go back into the cave (As I had killed the leader, but had to GTFO as the remaining vampires were about to murder me), when I crashed mid-loading screen. This happened a few times and eventually I gave up and continued the main quest to find the horn. All proceeded as expected, until just after meeting the Blades in Riverwood. Shortly after leaving the inn I go to fast travel to whiterun stables (To take the carriage to Windhelm then hoof it to the burial site)... and mid-load screen, CTD. Fast travelling anywhere seems to CTD as well.

I tried a trick of removing all my saves and using a new save, that save can fast travel just fine. But my 'old' saves, even ones that I load up earlier than when the auto made from the first fast travel, hit the same bizarre issue. I can fast travel TO Riverwood after getting the note, but I cannot fast travel back from it, and I just met the same problem after leaving the inn with Delphine.

I have used Loot before and after this issue occurred, it hasn't helped. I have even added memory tweaks to the SKSE.ini, no dice there.

Modwatch link: https://modwat.ch/u/bart95


CPU: i7 4790k


GPU: GTX 980

Whilst in theory I could just start a new game, as the new save has no issues, I would rather eliminate the possibility of this happening again, and perhaps salvage my current saves (As even trying to re-load to a save from yesterday isn't helping. And if I have to start all over I think I might just stop playing out of annoyance) in the process.

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I actually think I've fixed it. I installed a mod (Forgot the name) that assists with resolving crashes, and it gave me an error message on the crash relating to skeletons. I re-installed my XP Skeleton mod... and now all is well. Incredibly bizarre given that I had otherwise played for hours without issue. I had installed stuff like Enhanced cam as well, possibly bumping into the skeleton mod, but there hadn't been any issues...

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