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House Telvanni Strikes Back


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Following the spectacular disappointment of the College of Winterhold quests, and my love for the nefarious great House of Morrowind, I have decided that a mod which brings back the Telvanni in some capacity is essential. I'm not talking a revolutionary, lore-smashing expansion, but I would like to have more options magically within Skyrim. Yes, the college allows necromancy and the like - but there aren't nearly enough sinister backstabbers and sorcerous lunatics for my liking. I hope I'm not alone.


Story-wise, it strikes me as very unlikely that the Argonians could truly eliminate the Telvanni from Tamriel. How many Argonians can levitate anyway? So why could they not relocate small-scale on the borders of Skyrim? There seems to be plenty of scope for great storytelling - interaction with the Thalmor for instance. There is of course opportunity for wondrous mushroom abodes, fantastic artefacts and infamous characters aplenty.


This is but a brief outline of my ideas, so what I'm really asking is if anyone is actually interested in this concept, and if they'd like to help. I'm a writer by education and profession, and I have reasonable scripting knowledge (albeit from Morrowind) but I cannot achieve this alone.


I hope there is still some Morrowind nostalgia about.


And no, the mod will not be titled 'House Telvanni Strikes Back'. That was just a clichéd attempt to get your attention.

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Not to burst your bubble, but to my knowledge, the last Telvanni is an orphan who (after a small quest) the only survivor of a ship f Telvanni members from Morrowind. A diary found in the ship wreckage tells of the destruction of Sadrith Mora (Telvanni capitol) and subsequent fleeing of Morrowind.


Perhaps a quest to RE-MAKE and REBUILD / REFORGE the Great House Telvanni, but not to bring back the GHT in it's original form.

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Oh I'm quite aware of Lymdrenn Telvanni's journal, but it leaves much unanswered. Surely it doesn't take much imagaination to consider the possibility that others escaped the shipwreck, or indeed that that wasn't the only ship that left, or that some Telvanni walked, levitated or teleported away.
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  • 7 months later...

There is actually one person who actually tells the player that She is the Last actual Telvanni survivor who left the land during the eruption.. She tells the player that she serves in Telvanni with several ranks.. And now during her refugee position on skyrim, she accepted in College of Winterhold for her talents... Her name is Brelyna Maryon and can be found the corridors of College of Winterhold.. She helps the player during the College quests.. and Can be Marriable :)

And also there is a Shipwreck in North sea shores.. Large shipwreck belongs the Telvanni's and there seems no survivors only but a single Journal, which writen that the Ship holds the refugees of Telvanni to seek more secure lands...

It can be said that this ex-telvanni Brelyna Maryon actually comes from this Telvanni Shipwreck....


For the players which they are never played the Morrowind can never make a connection between Telvanni and Dwemer easily..

But there is a strong connection between their cultures...

On the Morrowind, during your quest to became the Archmagister of House Telvanni, you have to find and collect several important Dwemer Sketches and Dwemer Schematics for your own Mage-Tower stronghold construction.. Your Hermitage-Master inclines that she strongly needs those Dwemer Schematics for the architectural-design for your stronhold... And then you bind several Soul Gems with a Soul Trap of several Atronaches with a mushroom... Your magical Mushroom grows in-days so fast that 1 week after there grows monumentally-huge Mushroom Towers..

Your Hermitage Master then uses this Dwemer Schematics for the interiour acrchitecture of the Tower...

This is also noticable that this clue is answers that where the Telvanni "Tower-Construct Knowledge" knowledge comes from.. ıt seems that Dwemer teached the Telvanni how to magically construcy their magical towers..

On Skyrim especially on Markarth denizens, we see the huge Glowing-Mushrooms on atop of the Cavern which there is huge Dwemer City lies on the ground..

This clue directly resemblance of the Magical Telvanni Mushroom Towers which are binded with Soul Crystals......

I think that both Telvanni's and Dwemers still strongly hold their importances on TES series.....


And I also think that several Telvanni mods and Several Dwemer quested mods will be a good choice for the Skyrim...

And even maybe a good choice for a new DLC expansion for Skyrim :)

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for info;

Telvanni-Like Glowing Mushrooms across in Dwemer Cities (Skyrim)

Blackreach.... and just a little Nchuand-Zel on Markarth



Last official living Telvanni mage (now College apprentice) : Brelyna Maryon (and marriable) (Skyrim)



Player owned /player Constructed Mage-Tower Stronghold guarded with two Dwemer Centurions and built over the Dwemer Schematics.. (Morrowind)


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  • 1 month later...

I would love to see a return of my favorite Great House.

The idea to rebuild Telvanni is something my Dunmer (with the last name Uvirith) would really like to do in Sykrim. A big Telvanni tower surrounded by mushroom pods, soldiers running around in Armun-An bonemold armour with Telvanni cephalopod helmets and the vines and lanterns would look great with Skyrim's engine. Too bad the TES lore was f***ed (a swearing filter?) up so badly that it is unlikely to see Telvanni ever again, but at least Tamriel Rebuilt will give us Telvanni lovers what we want.

Now when I think about it, what about this: TES VI - Morrowind Liberation. A game in which you help the Dunmer to reclaim and rebuild the province including Vvardenfell. That would be a fascinating and rewarding game.

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