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Armor&Weapon distribution


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i know quite a few modders use scripts that add items from their mods into the leveled lists of the game

if you want to make this yourself, you can either try to find a mod with such a script, and apply it to all the items you want, from all the mods you have


the other thing you can do, is remake all the appropriate leveled lists yourself


i can't say that this is an easy thing to do, but it should be quite possible, if you intend on making this for yourself


i don't believe such a mod\tool really exists, as it would need to be designed for all of the mods you use

the closest thing i know of would be merging leveled lists via Wrye Flash, but that would only help with mods that actually have leveled lists


hopefully, this is sending you on the right path, but it will probably take you quite a bit of work to set

hope this helps, and good luck

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