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Dawnguard DLC problem: One of the locations (Forebears' Holdeout) is completely missing from the game!


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So I am trying to find the moth priest in the Dawnguard DLC. When I go to Dragon Bridge, I ask one of the guards about the priest and I search along the road where the wreckage is supposed to be. The game puts a marker down where the dead vampire is located, but there is absolutely nothing there. No vampire, no wreckage, no note, just a marker on an empty road. I tried skipping this stage, and looked for Forebears' Holdeout, but using tmm 1 reveals that the location doesn't even exist! There is no map marker for it in the game. When I go to the actual location, there is just a giant rock where the cave entrance should be.


Skipping this stage bugs out Dawnguard completely, and I've discovered that other things don't appear either, such as the missing pieces for the sun dial in the courtyard of Castle Volkihar. It's like they've been deleted. Serana also eventually stops following me, the Soul Cairn doesn't open etc... I've tried playing without any mods enabled and the problem still persists. I've also tried deleting and reinstalling the DLC, verifying the integrity of the game cache and even starting a new game. When I start a new game, I enter TMM 1 in the console and Forebear's Holdeout still doesn't appear on the map!


I honestly don't know what the problem is.

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