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Various ideas - vampires - dunmer - armor


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I'm currently playing a RP build of a dunmer vampire and think both beeing dunmer and beeing a vampire are not much of a bonus.


here are my propositions:


The dunmer active racial is pretty useless, it should either scale with the player level and/or be a fire absorb buff (fire damage considered as healing once a day).


The vampire spells and bonuses are quite useless too.

You have a benefit in illusion and you get illusion-style spells but in the end playing illusion school is highly redundant with beeing vampire.

The absorb life spell, useless as it is, should scale with level and/or remaining (or total) hp of the target. I advise that the spell cost a fix 5/6/7/8% of mana, health and stamina pool and drains, up to three times the amount "paid", 5/10/15/20% of each current pool of the target. I would call for a cast once per target only - I imagined applying a 5 minute length buff on the target of the spell that would give immunity to drain.


That way, either your vampire is magician, tank or melee fighter, you can use your pools to deal damage and drains, accordingly to your playstyle..


Instead of a 25% bonus to illusion I propose that the effect of dual casting should be obtained while casting one-handedly for the mana cost of the one hand cast.




And more globally there is a huge armor issue at low levels: The higher the armor -> the best the effect of an additionnal armor point. (According to sources, reduction is linear with armor, though it should be more of the form armor/armor+constant with eventually a cap or a second diminishing return) There is less relative bonus between clothe and heavy armor iron/steel than for the last 100 armor poin :/.


tIt's totally unbearable in master difficulty where having steel armor + upgrades of a regular lvl 40 smithing, coupled with the perk or two you may have unlocked give at most a rough 200-250 armor that gives a very little damage reduction compared to dps of higher level NPC's (my personnal experience during first companions quests with shield 1-perked heavy 1-perked and all armor upgraded gave me either 1 or 2 shots from some NPCs... I won't start on weapon damage...).


I think the damage reduction should be best at low armor and keep reducing the damage with a diminishing log: reduction=100*base^([armor/100]^y)

"base" and y is a couple of variable to be tested before balancing of course.



Hope this will spread, more to come anytime. I dedicate the armor part to my brother whom I whined hard how my breton would get Two-shot behind shield and armor... and forced me to go sneaking and avoiding again until I got IMBA...

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