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Resizing NPCs, how to?


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I did mention that I know how to do it in the console and that I wanted to know if it was possible without the console. Let me rephrase to make it clearer, but most won't understand because they are not editing mods with TESSNIP.


I want to edit the NPC data to resize the creatures/humans is it possible?


I couldn't figure out if there was some place in the NPC file [thats where all the npcs stats are] that makes it possible or not. I've seen differing sizes before but not sure if it was an adjustment of the .nif or an adjustment within the NPC file, or scripting I guess would be the other way [which needs CK]. Someone will know, doesn't mean they're reading lol.

Edited by punxdog
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NO idea how to do it with TESSNIP. My experience with the GECK and Fallout, however, leads me to suspect that NPCs of playable races will have a "height" variable, while creatures will have a "scale" variable. This could easily be different in Skyrim, however, as all the creatures are *technically* playable. With the possible exception of creatures, the default is likely to be "1".


I have no idea how clear a picture TESSNIP gives you, BUT I know one group of enemies that seem to vary in size while using the same model seem to be mud crabs. If you can find the data for two differently sized mud crabs, I'm guessing you should be able to narrow down which variable determines their scale.


Or maybe I have no clue and this was all useless. Good luck in any case! ^^;

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