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Martigen's Monster Mod without Arachnids


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Alright, now I am aware that this for one sounds somewhat childish and potentially lame, but still it would greatly increase the enjoyment of the game by allowing me (and others with the same problem) to play Martigen's Monster Mod as well.


The problem mentioned is nothing else than fear of spiders - I not only hate them, but their appearance in games causes me to hit Alt-F4 or the power button as quick as possible. As you might imagine, this hinders the usefulness of Martigen's Monster Mod, which adds "actual" spiders, not just the Daedra into the game.


There is an Arachnophobia mod out there which at least removes Spider Daedra and I was wondering whether any good-hearted modder would be willing to either tell me how to remove Spiders from MMM or possibly create a modified version.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Ah, that's amazing. I didn't know that, thank you :)


As for the therapy-aspect: you are kind of right, but I think if I ever happen to have too much spare time and money, I might have a professional take care of that. Sort of keeps me from playing 99% of all RPGs (starting from Ultima IX where Origin discovered that giant spiders are the best things to happen to generic fantasy storytelling since the invention of Orcs) ;)

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