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My Old Guy


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Lol! Got my old guy up to level 30. Lot's of addons to make game more challenging.


Elder Race marked by lack of stamina...starts at lvl 200 as opposed to 300 for normal


guys loaded with testosterone. Followers a must...at least for me. Guy runs out of stamina


in a hurry. Got it leveled to nearly 400. Still goes away in a hurry.


Interesting: When stamina gone, magic goes. Drink a minimal stam potion to get started on


resto and magicka comes back up quickly. Have been slighting health in favor of stam. Don't


really know if there's a relationship. Time will tell.


Still and all, kinda interesting to be forced to plan ahead, really take time to scan for threat when


in the Outback, and learn to back off from taking point. At mercy of just about any threat.


One day I may learn how to use the CK. At that point I may well create a "Cohen the Barbarian"


type of character. Always remember, when ur 80+ in the ES world, soup is good, there's better


living through chemistry, and a good enchanted bow is ur frend. Hmmm, a few hot old women (there


really are a few) would be nice as well but I can't get anyone on the Nexus to mod any.

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Hot old women? How old? And what counts as hot? Current Susan Sarandon? Candice Bergen? Or an 80 year old Bette Davis? Give me something to work with and I'll give it a try. I've never made a follower mod before, so it would be a great learning experience. :) I may even do a custom voice, given that I'm no spring chicken myself.

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Hot old women? How old? And what counts as hot? Current Susan Sarandon? Candice Bergen? Or an 80 year old Bette Davis? Give me something to work with and I'll give it a try. I've never made a follower mod before, so it would be a great learning experience. :smile: I may even do a custom voice, given that I'm no spring chicken myself.


Lol! Definitely not Bette Davis. Hmmm, in their late sixties to early seventies. Women like Liz Taylor, Kim Novak (before the plastic surgery), Sophia Loren and Ann Margret from "Grumpier Old Men", Ingrid Bergman, Raquel Welch. Be interesting to see a modder's take on what they'd look like after a lifetime of combat and strife in Skyrim. You could probably get some good ideas from the Elder Race mod. Hmmm, might be best if they had a staff to lean on and were adab hand at archery, poison, and other nasty approaches that could be employed by the less muscular. I always liked the owner of the Alchemy shop in Markarth. Too bad she can't be a follower. 'Course, my Paternal Grandmother was in her late seventies when she pulled a gun on my youngest aunt's boyfriend. He just wasn't treatin' her baby right. She'd have plugged him too if my Granddad hadn't stepped in and taken it away from her. Pistol belonged to my Great Aunt, who was ninety at the time.

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Awesome! I have a pretty good idea of what you mean now.


I certainly can't promise that what I come up with will actually resemble any of those women in particular. But I have a much clearer idea of the sort of woman you're talking about.


Plus I've always been very fond of Bothela myself.


Now, I'll be honest: since I haven't done this before, it will take me some time. Several weeks, probably. Though, who knows? Maybe it will turn out to be easier than I think it is.


For my own playthroughs, I'm looking forward to roaming around Skyrim with my posse of Golden Girls -- or Silver Wenches, as the case may be. :D :D

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