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Crashing at the Armor Workbench


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Decided to do a fresh start on Fallout 4 after not play for a while, cleaned my NMM of mods and redownloaded and installed the mods I like (replacing those that say I need a different mod), LOAD ORDER DOWN BELOW. Yes I have F4SE. Game was playing just fine until I tried to interact with the Armor Workbench and the game just crashes, no idea why, other workbenches seem to work fine. Can't seem to find a solution anywhere.




0 Fallout4.esm
1 DLCRobot.esm
2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 DLCCoast.esm
4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
8 ArmorKeywords.esm
9 TrueStormsFO4.esm
10 ConcealedArmor.esm
11 SettlementKeywords.esm
12 AlternateSettlements.esp
13 Perk Magazine Material Fix.esp
14 Recruitable NPC Dialogue Fixes.esp
15 Quieter Settlements - Vanilla.esp
16 Quieter Settlements - Wasteland Workshop.esp
17 Quieter Settlements - Contraptions.esp
18 WAYN_CompanionTracking.esp
19 BrighterSettlementLights_LongAndSoft.esp
20 DD_All_the_COncrete.esp
21 QuickEnterFromStand.esp
22 QuickExitToStand.esp
23 PowerArmorDelivery.esp
24 fix_Perk_CombatMedic.esp
25 dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp
26 chem redux.esp
27 DeadBodyCollision.esp
28 ImmersiveVendors.esp
29 LongerPowerLines3x.esp
30 VaultSuitBoxes.esp
31 WET.esp
32 ClearWater.esp
33 HairVariations_YoungAtHeart.esp
34 HairVariations_FairyTails.esp
35 HairVariations_Elegant.esp
36 HairVariations_Sophisticate.esp
37 HairVariations_Conversions.esp
38 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
39 dD-Realistic Ragdoll Force.esp
40 TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp
41 TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp
42 TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp
43 DarkerNights.esp
44 DarkerNightsDetection.esp
45 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp
46 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Ballistic Weave.esp
47 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Power Armor Carry Capacity.esp
48 CBBE.esp
49 CBBE Furry Undergarments Fix.esp
50 DX Commonwealth Mini Dresses.esp
51 zWGirlClothSimply.esp
52 slootyVaultSuit.esp
53 rfortaleza2.esp
54 DX Commonwealth Shorts.esp
55 DX Vault Girl Shorts.esp
56 OSArmyFatigues.esp
57 TargetReconEyewear(NonReplacer).esp
58 WestTekTacticalOptics.esp
59 CTHHostileNPCs.esp
60 WellRested24h.esp
61 ConcealedArmor.esp
62 SettlementLimitSlashed.esp
63 MoreProductiveScavengers.20junk10chance.esp
64 K9TacticalHarness.esp
65 ExtraPerkPoints.esp
66 Military ducttape retex -en.esp
67 Hot Mama NPCs Added Settlers and Minutemen B.esp
68 EveryonesBestFriend.esp
69 LegendaryModification.esp
70 LegendaryModification2LM.esp
71 LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp
72 LegendaryModificationMisc.esp
73 LegendaryModificationCSA.esp
74 Armorsmith Extended.esp
75 Combat_Helmet_Illumination 1.2.esp
76 DA Lingerie Set & Shoes.esp
77 DA Harness.esp
78 DA Body Lace black.esp
79 rpampas.esp


Please Explain in a way a Child can understand (Can't understand most tech mumble jumble).

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