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Texturing Armor: Incomplete Body Beneath


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I have a query, for my particular mod *Ancient Nord Armor - Chainmail* I have noticed when I roam too far from the armors original shape I get parts of the leg and the chest that appear to be alpha'd out (particularly just outside the range of the vanilla neckline, and also at the hip plates) I'm wondering what steps I'd have to take to make the body beneath complete so I don't have to "hide" the alpha'd parts. I'm not much for meshing at all, but I have a sneaky suspicion that the body mesh is incomplete. The only changes I am making are to the diffuse and normal maps of the armor but it looks like the body itself needs to be filled in. Any thoughts?


I thought there was a topic floating around that mentioned this problem, but for the life of me I can't find it at the moment.

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