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4GB opens up Launcher


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I got my NV working again after rolling back my drivers, but now whenever I try and launch NV 4GB extension, it brings up the launcher every time. I have to use the launcher then to start the game. Now there's two problems this brings: first, it resets things so the heads are all chalk white, and but more importantly it's not activating the 4GB mod, which is really, really hurting performance.


Any ideas how to fix this?

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Please clarify:


Which version of the 4GB extension are you using? (Link, please.) I recommend this one.


By "launcher" are you referring to the vanilla or the NVSE launcher? If the vanilla one, then your 4GB extension install is faulty. FNV4GB should automatically detect and launch the NVSE launcher. (You do realize that NVSE is required by FNV4GB, or at least the one I recommend? Check the requirements for any other version.)


Just to be clear: you do have to launch the "Steam Client", and leave it running (though it can be placed in "offline" mode and minimized) even with the 4GB extension.



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Do NOT install 4GB with or using any mod manager. They are placing files into "Data" and the 4GB file needs to go into the game root folder ("...\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas"). It's a "tool" (like FNVEdit.exe) rather than the typical mod. Recheck the installation instructions on the download page.



Edited by dubiousintent
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Yes, I am using the new 4gb mod. It worked like a charm until the Windows 10 crash. Then after I reverted back to an older driver, the vanilla launcher kept popping up when I tried to launch the 4gb extension. And because the 4gb extension is being pre-empted, I now have to run the game at low settings in order not to get the out of memory crash. I'm begging to miss the grass, and being able to manually snipe people at a distance.

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Have you checked logs: the Windows "Event Log", under both "System" and "Applications" filters, and the "falloutnv_error" and "nvse_steam_loader" logs in the game root folder? You may have corrupted some system files in the Win10 crash. See this article on how to recover. At the least you should always run "ChkDsk" (select a drive, "Properties | Tools | Error checking") after any system crash.


You might want to try the latest video driver with the latest "NVAC Beta". See this thread.


For the "out of memory" problem, see this entry in the "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.



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