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Steam barely has any advertisements or marketing. Nowhere on the library tab is there any advertisements, and the only time they pop up is from time to time when you exit a game or start up the client. Aside from that, it's about as marketing free as these things come.

Yeah it's a f***ing STORE app, damn right it's ad free -_-

Edited by Tardivex
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Steam barely has any advertisements or marketing. Nowhere on the library tab is there any advertisements, and the only time they pop up is from time to time when you exit a game or start up the client. Aside from that, it's about as marketing free as these things come.

Yeah it's a f***ing STORE app, damn right it's ad free -_-

Except, you know, you can turn those off completely, and it takes all of about 5 seconds to do. Steam -> Settings -> Interface -> Uncheck the "Notify Me" box near the bottom -> Ok. Congratulations, you no longer have any ad popups ever again when you open Steam or exit your game.

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Steam barely has any advertisements or marketing. Nowhere on the library tab is there any advertisements, and the only time they pop up is from time to time when you exit a game or start up the client. Aside from that, it's about as marketing free as these things come.

Yeah it's a f***ing STORE app, damn right it's ad free -_-

Except, you know, you can turn those off completely, and it takes all of about 5 seconds to do. Steam -> Settings -> Interface -> Uncheck the "Notify Me" box near the bottom -> Ok. Congratulations, you no longer have any ad popups ever again when you open Steam or exit your game.

That's not what I mean, it's a friggin store, don't you get it?

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That's not what I mean, it's a friggin store, don't you get it?


And a good store too. Many titles. Beats running to EB Games.

Not all that good honestly, GamersGate is much better go to http://www.gamersgate.com/info/about-us

GamersGate is the leading digital distribution platform for PC and Mac games creating easily accessible gaming experiences for gamers worldwide – anytime, anywhere. Offering a “client-free” experience that eliminates the need for a bulky client interface, gamers anywhere can now access their games without any third party involvement.

Sooo yeah...

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oh and just a correction, it's more ridiculous than you think, Skyrim hadn't a pirated version just only in the first day, it was available 1 day BEFORE release, pretty damn ridiculous if you ask me

You are a little off - the pre-release pirate was on the 360, and nearly a week before official launch.

No, there was a version of Skyrim available on Thursday if you looked for it.


@Tarvidex - Garbage store. I don't know why you think it's better than Steam. It had, what, 3-4 dozen titles? I couldn't find a single game I was looking for on there. Only game I can't find on Steam that I've wanted in the past few months was BF3, and that was a big hullabaloo. Advertisements are advertisements, stores are stores. If I open Steam's chat client, is there a little banner ad? Because there is one for AIM. If I open Steam's library, is there a banner anywhere? I can use it to buy games, which is convenient, and I can use it to buy almost every game I want.

Edited by Linsolv
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Whatever, I'm not interested in fighting. Steam is how Bethesda tries to stop pirates. I don't care if it works, that's irrelevant.


If I were Bethesda and I would use a System that effectively makes it a little more nuisance for people to start my game to protect myself from piracy and I would find out that this System does not work, i would find that fact a lot relevant.


Now look, i am also not interested in a fight especially not with my fellow gamers but the topic starter asked a legitimate question. She did not endorse any illegal activities, she did not rant (at least not heavily or pointlessly), she did not insult nobody all she did was asking why she needs a Software that normally would not be needed for her legally acquired game. All you say to her is "They use a Software that does not work for what its intended and they will keep using it and you better get used to it too. Why? I don't care". That answer is neither constructive nor satisfying in anyway.


Now to the threadstarter:


Yes, Steam is needed to start the game since Patch 1.1. Anti-Piracy although is not the only reason given for Steam. Publishers actually seem to try to make gaming "easier" or more "accessible" by concentrating everything to one place. That means you will have a Account on Steam where you can buy your games, have a game library, connection to your friends, multiplayer, automatic patching, DLC/expansion downloads etc. at least these are the arguments I could gather from several sources.


On a personal note, I am no friend of any Software that makes "must" out of a "can". I would like Steam a lot more if I were not forced to use it. (I would like to repeat, this is my personal opinion.)

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