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ENBseries is making my whole game black.


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I have a few body mods, clothing mod, hair mod, armor mod and Skyrim HD 2k textures, and the game runs just fine.



But when I add on the ENB series of any version, with ANTIfreeze patch or without... it just makes my whole game BLACK.


The starting screen isn't black... I can see the dragon symbol and the smoke... but when I load a saved game...


the loading screen is black, but I can see the informative text at the bottom.

Right as the loading screen is finishing... I see the 3D model that was supposed to be seen in the loading screen.

In other words the loading screen is black except for the text and as it finishes I can see what I was supposed to see instead of the blackness.


And that is of course for just a second,

because then the whole game is BLACK, while I can see some raw red sprites in the environment...




Do I need the 4GB Skyrim mod for this?

Also, I'm using the latest nVidia drivers (GeForce 290.36 Driver BETA) for my GeForce GTX 560 Ti (1GB).


Anyways, what should I do to fix this?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Sagiy19
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I found the problem... I was missing the enbeffect.fx file.

Super stupid from the packager's part, he should have put all 3 files in a separate dir and the rest of the txt files on the root of the zip archive.


On another note, is there a way to enable 4GB LAA with ENB Series?

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