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Visible Weapons Mod working with Backpack Mods


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It would be amazing if the folks that have made the wearable backpack mods could join up with the folks that have made the visible weapons mods so that you could have versions of your weapons strapped to the sides or the back of your backpacks.


In my dreams I imagine my assault rifle on one side of my pack and my sniper rifle on the other. Whichever one you equip you pull off the side of your pack. Maybe there are straps or holster-style slots.


In my wildest dreams that I have within those other dreams I imagine a mod where that long sniper rifle is broken down while strapped to the side of my pack, so that it's not sticking out so awkwardly and it's realistic that I'm sneaking around and running with it strapped on there. And there could be an animation of threading the barrel into the receiver when it's equipped. That way you can run around carrying that sniper rifle in a great-looking compact form, but when you want to snipe you have to take a second to prepare with a cool setup. (Maybe the same idea with suppressors?)


Speaking of, a mod where you can actually lay prone to snipe would be incredible too. Is this possible?




Thanks a million to the modders that have made some of the key mods that make this game so fun for me, like registrator2000 for visible weapons, Aldeberan90/Stndmunki for wearable backpacks, L0rd0fWar for the Rebel, Descivii for apparel gun versions, and dazzerfong, DOOM, FF7CloudStrife for fantastic guns.

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  • 10 months later...

All in the name of IMMERSION!


Where does the player character keep all their weapons? If only it were possible to show weapons on your back with straps instead of floating and flat on your back, perhaps strapped to a backpack, and maybe, just maybe included with physics. That would be dope! And sadly, I dont think its possible to have a prone feature. A custom animation would need to be made for 3rd person. I will, however, pray for these features to come true. Maybe someday...

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vandrade, check out my photos if you can. I got it to work!!

But I got sidetracked from my foray into modding by, you know, life, so I never developed it as far as I wanted and didn't learn how to package it to upload.

I was pretty psyched though! And frankly pretty proud of what I managed to do. I couldn't believe how versatile the strap setup was, it worked out well I thought. And I worked out a broken down sniper rifle!! (I'm a million miles from doing animations though... But I can deal with that.) I got the physics to work too, they sway with the pack.



Thanks for replying, by the way, I couldn't believe I was the only one thinking about this!

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