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Little help with a Nexus server error for a specific mod


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Having a bit of trouble with a specific mod, Auriel's Bow Retexture here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58198/? Specifically, I wanted to get the "Auriel Retexture Makassar-Wood" version, plain, without any letters.


None of the files are downloadable either manually or via NMM. I have done some testing as suggested for other Nexus download-related errors, but in fact this is the only mod whose files I cannot download - everything else is fine (I have tried with a variety of mods and other than this one, they work fine. The problem is only related to this mod and is not on my end).


It seems from reading past threads related to similar symptoms that from time to time, Nexus servers just crap out or files get corrupted and that for less-popular mods this may not get fixed or even noticed for some time. I'm not sure if anyone can a) either download this file (others *might* be able to download it if it's purely a CML issue), or b) have it archived anywhere (slim chance, but I suppose I can ask), that they could share it with me directly?



Edited by SmedleyDButler
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