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[beginner] CK interface - Terminal/Fragment


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About modding : last time it was with Oblivion, a full scripted one for my own (autosave manager + FPS control tools (with OBSE)). No need to say that it's a new world for me with FO4.

What i study atm : terminals and properties of scripts.


My question : It's specially about the "Papyrus Fragment" tab, and not the property. I've followed blindfolded the instructions to don't get anymore the ";Failed to load code" message with all terminals and the messages in the Object window in activating multiple master file and in extracting all zip files. Done and i can read now the property in this tab.


But i don't understand and don't find any concrete information on the "why". By the way it concern only the vanilla files that i don't want to modify.


If i get the ";Failed to load code" (so unable to compile) but with a clean Advanced tab (edit/rename/delete) with the exact fragment and script involved, what it exactly mean ? Is it a property problem in the script or i don't have understanded where to put the psc to edit (scripts/source/user) ?


thanks by advance, any hint or link will be a lot appreciated.






Edited by nopanolator
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In your Fallout4\Data\Scripts\Base folder will be a Base.ZIP file. Extract all those files into the Base folder.


These are the .PSC base scripts. The CK takes .PSC source files and compiles to .PEX for run time. DLCs have their own folder and, if released, they will have a source .zip that needs extracted also (if you want to look at the source).


You will put your externally written scripts in Data\Scripts\Source\User and subfolders for fragments. The CK automatically puts them in the correct folders, especially fragments, terminals, topic infos.


In the CK each entry that can have a script attached will have a small window to attach the script, edit the Properties, edit the Source, and possibly a Compile button which is somewhat redundant with the compile menu option in the edit source window. Right click script for the full options.


Once you have those extracted and re-open CK, you'll be able to look at how the built-in scripts work etc. It needs the .PSC file to present you with the edit options, it needs the .PEX file to be considered 'compiled' and be executed in-game.


If that all makes sense. Happy hunting!


**EDIT** I guess I should have mentioned. .PSC files are human readable plain text, so you can use various notepad editors to work with them.

Edited by MasterMagnus
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It totally make sense, thank you very much to consolidate this part. And it reduce a lot the spectrum of searches.

Now the case is more specific. All vanilla zip are extracted (dlc included), multiple master file on etc ...


I have twos exact cases in mind wich continue to fool me with the fragments and this specific Papyrus tab. Both was extracted then decompiled with champolion.


1) Based on a settings holotape. One countain all fragments in a single PSC file located in ".\Data\Scripts\Source\User\", no matter if i manually copy the pex files in ".\Data\Scripts\" or not, i get the ";failed to load code for fragment" in the Papyrus tab of the terminal edition. Its particularity is that there is no files in the ".\Data\Scripts\Source\User\Fragments\Terminals\" folder.


2) The other (not an holotape but based on the message system) have all its individual fragments files in ".\Data\Scripts\Source\User\Fragments\Terminals\"


Both get the ";failed to load code for fragment" in the Papyrus tab" with "compile" and "edit" desactivated in the papyrus tab.


The first is bugged to the bone in game (and i try to understand why exactly), the second run like a charm (and i try to understand why too lol).


I miss something very basic i think.

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Finally, the PSC files in question was just partially decompiled. I don't have to take in count the error encountered in "Papyrus tab" of the terminal edition to can continue to study the cases.

It's raging when you search something in North that you finally find in South.

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