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Texturing in Skyrim


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In Oblivion, i was comfortable with my process of modelling, texturing, and nifskoping weapons into one of my Oblivion mods. I got comfortable with it.

So with Skyrim of course I'd want to start moving my mods over there, since one of them is fairly popular. Here's where I hit with a problem, the new nif format for Skyrim obviously has new bells and whistles which allows for more realistic models.


In Oblivion there where Normal Maps, Glow Maps, and your textures.


Skyrim models seem to have a bunch of stuff I'm unfamiliar with.


Lets say I wanted an object to obviously have a normal map, regular texture, have a glow map, and be reflective or whatever other textures I can slap onto a model in Skyrim Nif files.... explain what each one is and how would I go about doing that in Nifskope and Photoshop? I've looked online to no avail. Maybe I just suck at google. :dry:


Also, one other thing, why do all the weapons I put in have a slight green tint to them sometimes at odd angles of view?

Edited by Viperslayer
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Most of the good info is on page 3 right now, but you probably want to read the whole thread.


As for green tint, hard to say, but check your specular color in the shaderProperty for starters. Could be lighting from the cell you're in?


There was a thread somewhere that showed the various effects of applying shader changes to the in-game appearance of the texture object. I can't find it now, but something like that for Skyrim would be invaluable (esp. with all the new lighting functionality, real environment maps, etc). The setup in a test cell shouldn't be that hard - you could simply make a whole bunch of cubes as separate NIF files, apply the changes, and plop them in a cell. Even better, you could release such a thing as a modder's resource.

Edited by jimhsu
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Most of the good info is on page 3 right now, but you probably want to read the whole thread.


As for green tint, hard to say, but check your specular color in the shaderProperty for starters. Could be lighting from the cell you're in?


Yup. I suck at google. Thanks a bunch. =]

But where is the specular color at? the BSLightingShaderProperty but that seems to be missing, unless I completely missed a step or am blind.

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