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Sword in the stone mod?


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Looking for a sword that's stuck in a stone to pull out with some sort of requirements (stats, level, quest, ect) to be able to pull it out from the stone. Its a bit of a cliché but I like the idea & I haven't seen a mod like this so thought would ask here if there is one.
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As far as I know you can put any weapon into the ground in a similar fashion and it will remain there until picked up, if it's stuck like that.


As for how to prevent it being "pulled out" without the necessary requirements met first, just add a script with an OnActivate block to the sword, only calling "Activate" when the requirements are met. This way nobody not fulfilling the requirements can ever pick it up, no matter where it's placed.


That should do.


Sorry, if this was just a request for an existing mod. I'm always looking at it from the "how can it be done" point of view. But it should actually be that easy to create your own.

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The Talon of Akatosh? Not exactly the traditional stone but similar and the sword looks good.


Thank you this is along the lines of what I was looking for, tyvm. Installing it now & hoping its compatible with the mods I use.


As far as I know you can put any weapon into the ground in a similar fashion and it will remain there until picked up, if it's stuck like that.


As for how to prevent it being "pulled out" without the necessary requirements met first, just add a script with an OnActivate block to the sword, only calling "Activate" when the requirements are met. This way nobody not fulfilling the requirements can ever pick it up, no matter where it's placed.


That should do.


Sorry, if this was just a request for an existing mod. I'm always looking at it from the "how can it be done" point of view. But it should actually be that easy to create your own.


Maybe at some point in the future I will attempt at learning to make mods but currently don't know how. If I do ever decide to pick it up this would be the first I did.

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