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Wondering why vendor prices have changed.


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I was just wondering whether prices of shipments increase the second time you purchase them. This is because the first shipment of fertiliser I purchased was at around 300 caps and now when I try to buy another shipment it is 1005 caps. Has this happened to anyone else? Also I have not changed gear/changed charisma or anything to alter the prices that way (that I know of). My mod list is as follows:


Thanks for any help.

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300 caps is the vanilla price according to the fallout wiki so my guess is a mod changed it. I have no idea what "Complete Pack" even is to judge if that is a potential source. It's also possible that either Craftable Ammo or Defense Gun changed it as those are at least almost logical sources of such a change. I doubt any of your other mods would have changed it. But it's also possible that you bought multiple shipments at once (though that wouldn't add up to an odd 1005). It's normally 25 to a shipment.

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