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NLVA night sky issue


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I recently tried to mod Skyrim based on the Ultrarealistic Graphics 2016 Skyrim Ultimate Modding Guide. I'm having a few issues with the ENB. I used NLVA as the weather mod and ELFX as the lighting mod and Ethereal Clouds as the cloud mod. I use NLVA's ENB setup. I like it, but there are some problems--mostly that the night sky is very bright--almost blue in places-- and the clouds look more like they at sunset rather than at night, with reddish orange edges. Tweaking the SKY settings in enbseries.ini doesn't seem to have an affect, probably because of the settings in the enbseries folder. Does anyone know what might be wrong? Also, I don't think cloudshadows work for any of the ENB's I've tried. They're enabled in enbseries.ini, but things still cast a light shadow during cloudy days.


Edit: I just turned off ELFX-Weathers.esp and that fixed the issue with the night sky being bright, but I still get reddish lights from behind the clouds and light shadows during cloudy days.

Edited by martod2
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