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Request for Modding Beginners Guide by Tony971


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Does anyone have a copy of tony971's guide by any chance?

I've used his guide to successfully setup and mod Skyrim several times on every machine I needed it on. I'm currently trying to follow the STEP guide he links to now that he has hidden his guide on Nexus, and my modded skyrim won't work!!!!


Not his fault - I'm not an experienced modder, but his guide was simple and easy - the linked one is not!


I knew I should have copied it lol!

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Does anyone have a copy of tony971's guide by any chance?

I've used his guide to successfully setup and mod Skyrim several times on every machine I needed it on. I'm currently trying to follow the STEP guide he links to now that he has hidden his guide on Nexus, and my modded skyrim won't work!!!!


Not his fault - I'm not an experienced modder, but his guide was simple and easy - the linked one is not!


I knew I should have copied it lol!

Got it up and running! Took a whole lot longer than with his guide so would still like to aquire it if at all possible for the future!

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