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Manager may be bugged + DLC mishaps


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So upon downloading the new update of NMM (0.63.1) I was met with the unwelcome surprise of all of the folders opened and every single mod within, disabled. Now I wasn't in a rush, so I began pressing enable on as many mods as I could. However, I would be met with a split second message that I didn't have time to read, and then the enabling process would stop. This happens with every single mod I have. Now I can't delete the mods either, I am only given the option to enable them upon clicking on them. When I install a new mod, I am met with how the process should be. I am able to enable and disable the new mods as and whenever I want to. So what do I do about this issue?


On another note, I recently (yesterday) downloaded all 3 DLC in preparation for Skyrim Remastered. Upon starting up the game, I immediately crash. I have started a new playthrough to my own reluctance, and mostly I am met with the same reaction. However I have managed on my third attempt to get about 3 minutes of gameplay until Skyrim crashes again. Please please please help me. Thank you in advance :smile:

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Try clean install. Uninstall it from steam. Then go to wherever the game is located at. Then delete the file called 'Skyrim' inside your common folder in steam (or move it to a different folder that is unrelated to steam and you got a backup. or copy) Then once you have deleted skyrim the folder (or moved it) re-install skyrim and try to see if you can even play the vanilla game with the DLCs. Also i'd recommend to switch to MO (mod organizer) as it is more complex and easier once you get started (if I went on NMM and had 200 mods my game would instantly crash)


Now of course if clean re-installing didn't do batshit (rememeber to create a new game too!) then I am afraid I cannot aid you :V


ALSO try vertifying cache of the game!

Edited by quickyusername
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