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Thrall cave


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Hi all,


I'm playing a vampire necro/illusion and just started using necromancy mod to get more and more NPC to my collection.




I would fancy a mod that would create a cave underneath one of the player's house.

Behind a fake wardrobe starts a tunnel - creepy and dark.

Further, there is a huge cavity dug by underwater flowing, lit by glowing mushrooms.

In the middle of that cave, surrounded by muddy glowing water there is a small rocky/sandy island.

There is a small coffin close to where you can put a torch or two.


A tunnel is going down and deeper from that and leads to your private catacomb...



There are handcuffs, fixed to the wall used by the thalmor to restrain their prisonners (gray mane thorald quest, main quest at the party).


It would be nice to create some epic modded ones in the player's house basement with the following capacity:


When the cuffs are activated, the thrall controled by the player goes in the handcuffs by himself and rests in death once locked in...


Activating the cuffs again frees the thrall, that ragdolls if dead or stands up if revived...


With a good labyrinthic catacomb, levels and stairs and a lot of cuffs like that (or coffins)... So good for any necro mage to feel like some architect knows its turf!


Don't forget a stairway! and an heavy door! leading on a trap door! somewhere else in town! <3! Batcave needs a batmobile exit!




somewhere else in town!


In the stables :)

Edited by kallik
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The house idea reminds me of Oblivion's Benirus Manor. It was an average looking house but in the basement was a secret door that opened up into a cool dark altar and necromancer's room.
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