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Is there a PRACTICAL corpse mod?


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I tried CYUC. Only one I could find








What an absolute mess of meaningless immersion-obssessed nonsense. Each and every method is just as, if not MORE labor-intensive than simply markfordeleting everything. Has no one ever thought to make a "Nuke all corpses" button? Does no one seem to care for making save files smaller without pointlessly extravagant, wasteful, excessive frills that do nothing but make you slog through hours upon hours of work every goddamn time a bandit shows up in open world? Do people just enjoy wasting entire hard drives on save space in long games? WHY CANT THERE JUST BE A PRACTICAL WAY TO GET RID OF CORPSES.



Sincerely: Rational man who doesn't give a quarter F*ck about some frou-frou RPing nonsense about burning corpses and lovingly putting a goddamn leach in each and every corpse like some kind of demented necrophilliac and would like to just GET RID OF ALL THIS GIGABYTE EATING GARBAGE.



Edited by Lk0z
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