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the correct order of plugins


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Hello everyone, I wanted to create a cute woodland elf. I found three mods that would allow it to me ... unfortunately I did not come to the correct order of the plugins or what setting you have / do not choose.

these mods are :

  1. Enhanced Character Edit (ECE)
  3. SG Hair Pack (268) Edition
I've tried at least 40 combinations of order. Always one or more things do not work.
(For example, I can not find a slider for breast size).
could someone tell me how I should plugins sort correctly.
ps. I am sorry for my bad English. I am Czech, the text generated by google translator.
ps2. I do not know if this is the correct category for this kind of questions. If not, please do not delete it ... just move it to the right place.
-Garrom, The Orc Shaman
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Use Racemenu instead of ECE. ECE is rather outdated and Racemenu does everythign it does, better, plus a ton of other stuff.


Also, use Bodyslide, either for CBBE or Unified UNP. Its a much better solution for body mods than using a prebuilt body.


Anyway, load order shouldn't matter enormously with those things, so something else is wrong. But if nothing else, do not use ECE. ALso you should use the XPMSE Skeleton











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Absolutely agree with the suggestions on the body mods. You may also want to look at CBBE, Apachi Hair, and Better Women by Belle.


Other than that, take a look over your installed mods and make sure you have not opted for anything which has either been discontinued by the mod author nor is in direct conflict with other installed mods.

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