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Looking for an Overhaul FNV Mod List!


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Looking for a list of mods that I can just go install. Having a hard time looking through the endless lists of garbage :O


Feel free to just post your own load order, but be sure to spoiler tag it! :D


Any mods you consider a must have are my main interest.

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Project Nevada, except I had to personally edit its rebalance module.

Strip Overhaul or New Vegas Restoration - pick one.


Classic Fallout Weapons is optional.

If you have a good machine, Poco Bueno.

ADAM does a few mostly visual armor improvements.

Project Reality, be sure not to use anything else that affects weather.


That's it I think. Everything else is individual. There isn't anywhere near as much improvement mods bring to FNV as they do to FO3, leave aside Oblivion and don't dare speak of Morrowind with its fully detailed additional landmasses and alternate main quests.


WMX or WME, personal choice. I prefer WMX for being considerably more realistic. WME is more wacky, it lets weapons to do what they aren't supposed to. WMX also includes melee weapon upgrades, and you can (and likely will) craft them.


If you're starting a new game and looking to add casinos, you could grab ACES, if/when casino mods get converted, it will avoid game corruption. It's best to avoid installing new casino mods until then if you don't want to risk it.


Grab a bunch of radio mods, another thing where FNV has nothing on FO3, only a few mods, all pretty small, and you can't even get Cyber Crown anymore.



In part the small amount of modding done to FNV owes itself to FNV already incorporating most things that modders had to add to FO3 on their own, primary needs, basic weapon mods, crafting and what else are all integrated.

In part I think it's because FNV feels more like a complete self-conscious world than a sandbox, you can't just go ahead and plonk some extra towns here and there. And no one seems interested in the massive undertaking it would be to add Legion lands or a piece of California behind the outpost.

Anyway, back to the topic, there isn't much to overhaul.

Edited by FMod
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