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Only one save CTDs during loading screen


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I just gave up on fixing my horse camera bug. Screw it. It's ridiculous. No one knows the cause, or the fix, from what I've been reading everywhere.


Now I have another problem. I just went back to an earlier save for that same character. Finished the Kolbjorn Barrow quest again on Solstheim. Saved in Raven Rock. Accidentally hit a friendly NPCs, got a bounty. So I simply decide to reload my save. Then it CTDs. I launch the game again, load the save, CTD. Opened up the Plugins list from Appdata. I don't have two Skyrim.esm files. So nothing to do there.


I load an earlier auto save just after finishing the quest. And it's fine. I load another character's save. It's fine.


Did I just corrupt my save somehow, what's going on?



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