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ENB + SweetFX Possible?


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So I've just installed the ENBoost Memory Patch. According to ENB, on the top left of the Main Menu, Graphical Modifications have been disabled. Yet I've noticed character models seem much more smoothed. Or perhaps I'm just not used to seeing more stock Skyrim? Anyway, I also noticed that the colours look much more desaturated now. Something I got used to seeing with the SweetFX configurator. I really wish I could combine the two. Is it possible?

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Err, well. How can do this? ENB seems to have overwritten SweetFX. I can't see any of SweetFX's effects.


EDIT: Tried the first method from second post in this thread. But i went into the SweetFX folder. There's just a dll with the same name as the ENB one. d3d9.dll. Not SweetFX_d3d9.dll. Is it perhaps because i'm using the Configurator?



Edited by Prenihility
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There are a lot of ENB presets that use both. If you need to understand what's happening download one and look at the configs. Also note that ReShade works a little differently.


Everybody has their own approach, but the basics are:


Rename the sweetfx dll to whatever you want, like d3d9_sweetfx.dll.


Near the top of you enblocal.ini file, there's a [PROXY] section. It should look like this:



This tells ENB to activate SweetFX. (In FO4, it's the opposite, and ReShade calls ENB).


Also, just an FYI, but most SweetFX features have been ported to ENB shaders. The effect.txt.ini on most modern ENBs allows you configure Sharpness, Vibrance, Grain, Contrast, and various other things. IMO, the only reason to use SweetFX now is for SMAA.


Anyway, there's no problem with using them together if that's what you want.

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