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Tips for uninstalling a weapon mod


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Hi all,


I'm having second thoughts about a weapon mod I installed, the WH-77, a machine gun type o' thingy. The weapon it self is very cool with all it's customisations and I think Fallout 4 needs a LMG sorta weapon. It also adds a spike in danger when you happen upon someone with this weapon, which is good.


Thing is that every 3-4 encountered human seems to wield the weapon, perhaps because my level is 125. This adds more spikes of danger but thats not where my issues lie. The great abundance of the weapon means that my character's WH-77 becomes a every day weapon that every one and their molerat got, instead of a rare or special weapon. 2nd problem is that the WH-77 is very expensive and combined with it's saturation across the Commenwealth means that on any given forray I might end up with several of the guns, 5 is not uncommen which means I have no problems buying several shipments from next encountered vendor. In my mind it's unbalanced in the way it impacts the game's economy and I want to remove it.


Removing mods midgame is not recommended, but I see no other way. So I ask of you the best ways of going about this. I assume getting rid of any WH-77s in my inventory and store in one cell and then travelling to another and waiting for 3 days or so... Have you got any recommendations on this?


I thought about modding the mod itself to lower the weapons frequency but that's beyond my abilities, but if you know how to do so please tell how!


Thanks for reading.

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