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Magic Enhancement - New Magical Abilities


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Mage Combat Enhancement Idea version 1.0


I'd love to see mage combat become a tad more tactical in the following ways:


1) I'd like the Ward Spells to have another feature programmed into them that allows for spells to have a chance to REFLECT the spell (animation and all) back to the caster. You shoot flames at a mage and he puts up his Ward spell, and as your flame hits the Ward, suddenly, you see the flames wrap around his body and return back at you, burning you twice as bad due to the winding and compression of the flames caused by the Ward spell.


The Ward reacts differently depending upon which hand you equip the ward in ... if the left hand, the Ward only reflects one type of magic (say: fire) but in the other hand it can only defend against cold ... You have to invest points (given by the mod specifically at leveling time) into each ward. So if you want to equip a ward that protects against lightning with a chance for reflection, you need to spend points in it specifically. So against some types of spells, you can have a higher chance of reflection at base levels.


Later, the system becomes more advanced. Mage battles can occur. If two mages battle who both have REFLECT of the SAME PROPERTY in their ward, and are using the ward when the spell is REFLECTED, when it returns to the caster, it gets REFLECTED again, in a vicious cycle called a Mage Battle. The mod diverts every point spent in mana use from that point into a holding cell between both parties. The first mage to run out of mana (or to let go of their Ward spell) loses the Mage Battle, and the full effect of the mage spell (TIMES 4) is directed at him. While the winner is infused with all the mana that was siphoned out of both mages during the virtual mage battle. This allows the player, if he is victorious in his Mage Battle, to surge forward, more powerful than he went in. Now, instead of going after the boss first, you might take on the underlings you were more guaranteed to win from such a confrontation and having gained that massive Mana spike, you could then go on to attack the main boss more prepared, having reduced his forces in the meantime.


As a part of the mod, you would periodically be assigned some extra mages (1-2 more) mages to accompany you, weak underlings you are supposed to be teaching as a part of your progress in the mage school etc... and your enemies could also chain your own underlings the same way, mage battling them, winning, and then coming after you, so the tables are turned.


As a part of this system, the tactics I described, another part would be something called a "Disruption" event spell.


You could assign a portion of your mana aside (permanently held and unusable) into a one-time disruption spell that could sense when the enemy is going for some kind of a spell that requires a long-time to cast, and then suddenly burst-cast that spell for you (because you already prepared it and paid the price) and you tie its functionality to either flames, cold, lightning, or one alternate .... and if your enemy has a Ward spell equipped at the time your Disruption spell goes off, and it matches your Disruption's "tied" force (of fire, for example) then he negates your Disruption whether he is using the spell actively or not. But if he is wearing a Ward that reflects cold, your disruption is successful, and you totally disrupt his cool, powerful spell.


All of this kind of technicality would require some kind of a great modder with some serious programming skills to pull this off. But I would love to see some of these kinds of tactics employed into the system to create even more tactics for mages and new events that could occur during mage fights.


As a part of that, I would also like to see some random events during casting, as per Wild Magic. If you are weakened, sick, poisoned, or dazed and try to cast a spell, you can actually cause some other kind of magic effect to occur in its place, possibly more powerful, or possibly detrimental to you. Perhaps your conjure a tons of bricks over your own head, which rain down on you, crushing you to death. Or perhaps you shoot volcanic magma out of your fingers instead of just flames, doing 4 times the damage, or perhaps you change your enemy into a snorting pig with the word "bacon" tatooed on his hind quarters hahahaha. This could interject some pretty awesome surprises into the game during mage battles.


Thanks for listening. Love to hear your additional ideas relating to this mod's content. Thanks.

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