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Very dark nights and visible interiors


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I've just about finished modding Skyrim, but am left with two issues:


1. There's too much visibility at night. I want nights to be extremely dark.

2. Interiors are too dark (at daytime).


I'm using STEP Core (as a base), which includes ENBoost and these relevant mods:

  • Enhanced Lighting for ENB-LITE

  • Relighting Skyrim

I'm not using any ENB on top of this due to performance issues. However I am using Climates of Tamriel (with the optional darkest nights, lvl 3).


Since I have to use borderless mode, I can't use the in-game brightness slider. However by using IMAGINATOR I can decrease brightness so that the nights are perfect. That makes interiors pitch black though.


How would you recommend that I achieve dark nights and moderately lightened interiors?

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