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Does anyone know of any armor or clothing mods that contain any similar shaped meshes as the base top armor of the picture below? (Specially the top) I would like to re-create it, but I am having difficulties shaping some parts.


Or does anyone know of any techniques or tools I could use to recreate it? I have both ZBrush and 3ds Max. Thank you if anyone replies.


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The breast area? being so skin-tight you could just mask the body on zbrush, extract it with certain thickness and then just start detailing it with more extractions.

Yes and okay, I've actually been trying to do that, but I just cannot get the base mesh to look quite right. I suppose when I add more details, I need to make the mesh higher poly to get the detail to look smooth?

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Depends on the aproach, a lower density mesh is easier to work with when laying down the base mesh then subdivide as needed to get the details you want, also since extract adds side faces to a separate polygroup you could zremesh that with the keep polygroup thing enabled and control its smoothing to get a nice clean edge with usable topology (and a start point for the lowpoly). Panel loops could also be of use for some of the details on that area.

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Depends on the aproach, a lower density mesh is easier to work with when laying down the base mesh then subdivide as needed to get the details you want, also since extract adds side faces to a separate polygroup you could zremesh that with the keep polygroup thing enabled and control its smoothing to get a nice clean edge with usable topology (and a start point for the lowpoly). Panel loops could also be of use for some of the details on that area.

How many polys would you consider low for the base mesh?

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Something on the 10k or 100k order of magnitude but depends on the shape complexity. Don't focus too much on the number but something that you can use zmodeler brush confortably for example

Ok, does it matter i


Something on the 10k or 100k order of magnitude but depends on the shape complexity. Don't focus too much on the number but something that you can use zmodeler brush confortably for example

Oh okay, does it matter if you can see the polygons (hexagons) of the mesh within ZBrush? I am somewhat new to ZBrush, so I haven't exactly created a Skyrim mod with ZBrush yet.

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Something on the 10k or 100k order of magnitude but depends on the shape complexity. Don't focus too much on the number but something that you can use zmodeler brush confortably for example

What exactly is the use of ZRemesher? I understand that it acts like Optimize in 3ds Max, but is it necessary for me to use it? Okay, nevermind, I guess it causes the polygons to turn into squares rather than keeping the original body polygons.


Off the top of your head, do you know what the best settings are for it?

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Here's what I have finished with the top so far, I am really, really slow. What would you do to make the breast indentation less noticeable as in the picture below?



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Oh okay, does it matter if you can see the polygons (hexagons) of the mesh within ZBrush?



Not really, note that zb doesn't have smoothing as other 3d programs.


What exactly is the use of ZRemesher?



It generates a decent topology, specially on the borders a the extracted mesh and helps a lot with hardsurface sculpting because of keep polygroups feature. Default settings are fine, just adjust the desired polycount (possibly by trial and error, but again don't worry too much about it, you can always optimize the lowpoly afterwards) you can also add guides to control topology.


What would you do to make the breast indentation less noticeable as in the picture below?



I'd smooth and tweak the body underneath to the shape i want before doing the extraction. On the extracted one is harder to modify the overall shape



As a little extra i'm going to recommend having a look at polycount.com, great forum and great wiki


on the "more information" section of that there is some scuplting tutorials you may want to check.

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