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The Pit


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So as I was browsing around the ids I discovered a full constructed pit style arena with pit fans and randomly generated opponents to go with it. Apparently Windhelm was supposed to still have an arena (as it did in TES: Arena) but I guess beth decided that it wasn't that important.


Don't worry though, I plan on adding it in there since Beth decided to be lazy.

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Wow thats an amazing find. Are there any specific arena textures or meshes? I haven't had time to look through all the unpacked files. Pit fighting would be cool very nordic, very Conan. :)



Well the entire arena's interior was built and textured. I think it was meant to be underground and connected to the "blood works" as the Windhelm dungeon is called. Cause one of the leveled NPCs is a prisoner labeled arenaprisoner.


Maybe after things cool off with my current mod project I will start up remaking an Arena circuit for TES. Unless someone beats me to the punch.

Edited by Bongfu
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