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Dynamic Synth Radio


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I can't really say I know the limitations of modding for Fallout 4, and it kind of breaks the time streams with a lot of music, but my pie-in-the-sky dream mod would be a radio station where you can choose a folder that will be scanned and a text-to-speech library would be used for the radio host with some random host phrases in between songs with the actual song artists and names being mentioned.


I fear the whole "using libraries outside of the Fallout 4 ones" is strictly prohibited and the idea falls flat straight away. :confused:

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The first part should be easy enough, I think, as long as you are willing to convert your music into that weird new bethesda format. The second part, not so much. Prohibited or not, it sounds pretty much impossible. Forcing Fallout to call an external library for the sound file sounds like some serious hacking. The F4SE guy might be up to the task, but the question is: would it be worth it?

Edited by pra
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