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Sleeping Potion Mod?


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I did some searching & did not find an actual mod for this.
Does anyone know of one?
I think it would be pretty cool if you could create sleeping potions, then with the Poisoner Perk, I believe it is called, slip one into an unsuspecting NPCs inventory, give a few tick tocks & they crumble to the floor for about 10 min.
I use sneak tools & it is awesome, but if you have, say, someone sleeping not far away, knocking out another with a club wakes them up, so I thought this would be a great way to get around that.
Thanks for any leads.

No response tells me that the existence of such a mod is unlikely.
Based on what I have read, it seems too difficult for one reason or another.
If someone does create such a mod, feel free to PM me & if it works, I will gladly endorse it. :smile:


2018 - UPDATE

Roughly a year & a half later, I did find this. Have not fully tested it in regards to silence/detection level, but as a thief & a vampire, so far, this works quite nice.

I personally changed it to work on all level npcs. :)

Sleep Spells


Edited by NexTextGorilla
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