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Headless Character (And it's not Morokai + Archmage)


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Hello there.

Please, help me. My character, if seen in 3rd person, is now headless. What I already tried to do:


- Remove any mod. No luck.

- Unwear everything from my character. No luck.

- If I load an older save, I can see my character head correctly.


I don't feel like doing "showracemenu" again or loading a so-old save.. that's why I am asking: any way I can fix this?


Thanks in advance

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Can happen thanks to god and no-kill mode as well.


Either way, try showracemenu in the console (you don't have to change anything, and it won't change your settings, apart from eyeliners and warpaint), or perhaps rather typing sexchange twice. That usually fixes most of character-looks glitches. Apart from that, no ideas.

Edited by elvinkun
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Thanks for your kind reply.


Sexchange shows even the male version headless. If I type it again, I go back to female headless version of my character.


If I use showracemenu I could fix my problem, but this resets all of my stats, perks, etc.etc... and I don't feel like doing it, I already did once and took so much time! Any other things I can try?


EDIT: Just read you said It won't change my settings.. but I does! I reset my stamina health and magicka (easily fixable) but also all of my perks get messed up!


I was thinking: I recently did the quest to become a werewolf. Could it have bugged me?

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Well, showracemenu does NOT reset your stats...well... there are no stats, so skills and bars. It does so if and only if you actually change your race, not looks. Freaks like me use it all the time, and all that happens is slight changes like the warpain and skin tone.


Either way, that aside, did the race chance actually gave you your head back or no? If yes, then there could be relatively easy fix.


Also... when you wear helmet or hooded robes, does it return your head, doesn't show up at all or you just get helmet floating above the body?


And I don't really think werewolf can do that, since it doesn't morph parts of your body, but replaces all of it. Do your older saves have the head?


A lot of questions, yes :biggrin:

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Well, showracemenu does NOT reset your stats...well... there are no stats, so skills and bars. It does so if and only if you actually change your race, not looks. Freaks like me use it all the time, and all that happens is slight changes like the warpain and skin tone.


Either way, that aside, did the race chance actually gave you your head back or no? If yes, then there could be relatively easy fix.


Also... when you wear helmet or hooded robes, does it return your head, doesn't show up at all or you just get helmet floating above the body?


And I don't really think werewolf can do that, since it doesn't morph parts of your body, but replaces all of it. Do your older saves have the head?


A lot of questions, yes :biggrin:


My old saves HAVE head.

If I equip a helmet it shows my head correctly!


By the way, usually when I used showracemenu it started allowing me to modify my character.. but starting from my character's actual aspect. (every option like race, eyes, etc. was already set on the right one)


Now, as well as I don't have an head, when I do "showracemenu" it doesn't knows where to start and it starts from the Nord race. So basically I am forced to change my aspect... because I don't have one. And cannot store my perks thsi way.

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Well, I'm actually just taking a wild guesses here but... Try player.setrace <your original race>, if it returns your head, check the skills/etc, if that's cool, then use showracemenu and re-set your appearance, then save the game to a new slot and reload it, if it will be ok, it's cool and should saty that way.


If that doesn't work, then write down / screenshot your skills and bars, change race using the showracemenu and, remake your character starting from race and the set ALL the skills and bars to their righfull amout with player.setAV <stuff> <value>.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Are you sure it worked? So far I have tried every possible solution but nothing has worked. I have found that the savegame file has the value for the missing limb stuck at 1, which is the head (as of Fallout 3 limb values). I think that I have to edit the .ess file but I don't know how.


Solutions that do not work:


1) the above solution


2) sexchange twice, player.removeitem 000DB5D0 1 ,sexchange twice


3) sexchange twice, werewolf, sexchange twice


4) sexchange, werewolf, sexchange, end werewolf time


5) any racechange (eg dragon, dog) and racechange back


A quick check to see if a solution has worked is to equip a helmet. The character will appear bald or the head will disappear (again).

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  • 1 month later...

I can confirm that the above 5 fixes do not permanently work.


I've tried editting the save file in a text editor (takes forever to load in notepad so i used notepad++) and I could not find a single variable that appeared to be the one that affects the head.


I've tried modifying several animation related variables one at a time, and replaced them with values from one of my previous save games and each time the game would either crash on loading, or just get stuck in the loading screen.


Also, none of the variables have numerical values when they show up in notepad or notepad++, seems to be seemingly random ascii characters.


I recently put in a request to see if someone can make a mod that fixes this.

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