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Disabling weapons' scopes while on 3rd person


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What I mean is: when using scoped weapons, holding the aim controller will switch to scope view ONLY if my current POV is 1st person, while on 3rd person the weapon will be aimed the same as its non-scoped version.

Was this ever done before? Is there a FO3/FNV mod around that adds this feature?

If not, I would attempt to implement it myself. The way I figure this out, it will require a GameMode script that, whenever the aim controller is held, would first check the current POV state and only if 1st person is returned, switch to scope view.

My difficulty is that I'm not familiar with any script function (either built-in or added by NVSE) that would return current POV state or switches POV (if any of the former even exist).

IMO, this feature would improve in-game realism.

I would very much appreciate any aid or input!

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