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Sea Monsters, sharks, and octopi! Oh My!


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I've been atttempted to model water creatures while I wait for the CK to come out. I'll probably throw up a WIP thread somewhere for some feedback when I get far enough along.


But it would really be worth it if someone was able to implement under water combat of some sort.


I also thought a selkie would be fun to implement. There are Dreugh in Morrowind.

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Glad I searched first, rather than started a new topic. :D


Big sea creatures would be brilliant.


I don't have a problem with not being able to kill them if they are underwater anyway, I mean not everything has to be killable right? What I'd go for, if I had the skills, would be some sort of really big whale type beast that was very evasive and not aggressive. Just something to look at in the sea. Could swim around with it in the same way you can walk with mammoths, if you could catch up to it.

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I will definitely port over my shark model and my whales to Skyrim when the CK is out :)






Edited by alonsomartinez
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  • 1 month later...

I have over 240 hours played, I have only 46% of the game unlocked. I'm taking my time and enjoying things, but...


I love it when a huge dragon scares the crap out of me as Im walking around...boom! lands next to me in a puff of dust.


I'd love to see some dangerous creatures added to the waterways, lakes and oceans...something that can attack you underwater...


Huge snakes, giant octopus, sharks...what about aquatic dragons? If they can have random dragon encounters on land, can't we have random aquatic dragon attacks in the sea?


Does someone want to be my mentor and let me do all the work with his supervision? I'd really love to add this.

That is the only thing missing from this game too safe waterways we need more heart stopping jaws music with great whites dragon fish don't know giant clams that grab you I don't know but the possibilities are endless
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I will definitely port over my shark model and my whales to Skyrim when the CK is out :)






Nice Orca there,but I think it's somewhat too shiny! :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

+Kraken. Only issue is if there are nasty big sea creatures in the depths, how do we fight 'em? Looks like we need an underwater combat mod along with this...


Make monsters that live near shores, or in the water that come on land, like a Dreugh or something. Or better yet, make them ranged monsters that stay in the water that have to be taken out from afar, since you can't use weapons in water.


Great ideas...i wouldnt know where to begin. Shall we try and brainstorm what would need to happen to make this mod?


What about a thread thats about making a mod from scratch? It could outline some of the strategies and programs used...might be a good resource in the community.


Any update on the status of underwater fighting?

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Giant squids, sea serpents, sharks, hydras and whatnot, all sound like awesome ideas. I think the sad thing is though that you're hardly ever out in the water. I know someone is working on a sailable viking ship with crew right now, perhaps if some people would join up and possibly add quests related to these beasts? That would be so damn amazing words can't express!
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